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I got back to Vik who looked more than angry. I frowned confused, what happened while I was gone? He marched up to me slamming me hard against the wall "Who touched you" he yelled surprising me, he could smell the guard on me? I could tell Persephone had something to tell me but couldn't understand it because we can't talk. He took a deep breath and growled "What were you doing with him" I sighed trying to push him off.

"Me and Theresa were walking around when he came over and pulled us aside.... he warned us" his grip faltered and I pushed him so hard he went across the room. His back created a dent in the wall and I brushed myself off "He told us about all your women and how they all end up crazy and tortured after coming to you" he looked away from me guilt spraying across his features. It's true. I was hoping it was only rumor but it was the truth he actually did this. Maybe I was hoping so he didn't decide to do it to me early. Maybe I wanted to hope he wasn't that bad.

He sighed speeding up to me wrapping his arms around my waist "No se preocopes mi amor... te quiero... te amo" I swallowed as he moved a strand of my blonde hair out of my face. I told him about how my grandmother spoke fluent Spanish and taught it to me. I knew exactly what he said and he made it hard for me to say anything back. I bit my lip as he backed us into the wall again this time the air thick with something else. Tension.

I knew deep down what was about to happen and I couldn't deny that my body wasn't excited. My body yearned for more it wanted everything he gave me. I had never felt yearning like this before and I guess it's because I have never been with a man like him. Beyond experienced and normal expectation. He untangled his arms from around my waist and they ended up caging me in place while he devoured my lips.

The force of his passion made a moan fall past my defenses. My hands slid up his torso and tangled in his hair pulling at them and making him growl lowly. For vampires they certainly growl a lot. Especially him. I pulled him closer if possible jumping up and wrapping my legs around him. He didn't even need to move his arms he just held me there pressed hard against the wall and him. He pulled away making me whimper a little at the loss of his lips as he spread kisses all over my neck. The one spot at the junction between my neck and shoulder is where he focused the brunt of his attack. Making me a little nervous.

I silently prayed he'd stop at kissing but when I felt his fangs scratch at the skin I knew it wasn't. I moaned but tried to pull away this couldn't happen. He flashed us over to his bed putting his weight on me so I couldn't move. He was about to mark me, the only reason this felt good was because I didn't have a bond mate yet and if he marks me and it doesn't fester I will belong to him unless I fight it. Not to mention he'll know I'm a werewolf and he'll know my rank. A lowly epsilon wolf with a prince he'll surely reject me and then the mark will fester and die. And when that happens I run the risk of dying too.

He didn't stop nipping at the spot getting me ready for his bite. This is it if I don't stop him he'll do it "Viktor wait... Viktor" even my protests sounded like moans but I couldn't give up. What will happen if he finds out the truth "Viktor please" he still didn't listen and I could understand why. It sounded more like encouragement than a warning. And then it happened his fangs dug deep in my skin and I moaned out feeling our connection get stronger. He actually did have a potential bond with me. That's never happened before. Crossing species that's impossible. He pulled away looking me in the eye as everything was revealed. I wouldn't show him what I was doing here.

I pushed him off me and touched my neck ".... now you know the truth... are you going to kill me" he watched me in silence and I breathed shakily. He's going to kill me "No... I can't... I don't even want to... I can understand why you left them they probably treated you like shit for being weaker... you won't ever be treated that way here... here you belong to me and I'll take care of you" I was dumbfounded at the news he pulled me back into him and kissed me again. The sparks erupted on my skin but I'm sure they weren't anything compared to something stronger. He wasn't fully mine because I didn't fully accept him yet.

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