Chapter 5

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"Percy. I do remember you- I got memories back after my death." Newt said, surprisingly calm. "Hey Percy." Alby said. "This is my friend Nico. He's a son of Hades." Percy introduced. "Nico, this is Newt and Alby."
"Hello." Nico said.
"Hi." Newt said. "Are you, ya' know, dead?"
"No, actually. Can I talk to you for a minute-alone?" Percy asked.
"Sure, shank." Newt answered.
They went to another tree, leaving Nico and Alby there. "Nico is a son of Hades. He can raise the dead and take you out of the underworld. We'll take you to Minho and the others, and you'll be free of the flare."
"How did you know about all this? The flare, me? Didn't WICKED take your memories like they took ours?" Saying this seems to remind Newt of all WICKED had done, because he clenched his fists.  
"I didn't at first. Then I had dream. I saw you and I knew I had to help you. So I came." Newt looked him straight in the eye, as if deciding between two hard choices.
"If I do this," Newt started, "if I go with you, I'll be abandoning Alby and Chuck, and all the others down here."
"No you won't be, because I guarantee you that if they were the ones leaving, you'd accept that in a heartbeat, and so will they. They want what's best for you." Percy coaxed. "It's okay, Newt. They won't be made. They're your friends."
"Alright." Newt deided. "Let's go."

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