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my hair is too short.
i may be your height or an inch taller.
my handwriting is messy
and when i eat chocolate, crumbs and streaks leave markings my face and in the creases of my mouth.

it always shows.

i have a pooch on my tummy, yet a two pack of abs.
my thighs aren't perfect, but my legs threaten to give out every time i talk to you.
my hair has a mind of its own,
but you love my messy pigtails.
and even though i have the nerve not to wear makeup around you,
your face lights up everytime you see me, causing my heart to have constant palpitations.

i don't mind though.

admist all these flaws,
i have one perfection and one only
that is imperfect within itself.

it is that i love you.
i love the way you steal my skittles
and lay your curly head in my lap.
i love the way you shoot me with rubber bands
although you have only shot me once.
i love how you don't care about the looks you get for wearing your beanie
with kitty ears.
because it is the beanie you wore
only for me.
i love the way you run away from me
just to make your friend mad
who is dying for us to get together,
but i know you'll always come back
even without him
throwing you over his shoulder.
i love you
and all your imperfections,
but there is one thing i am afraid of:

you do not love me back.

your best friend

~ a.d


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