Bad News

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The glass that was holding in  Naina's hand dropped suddenly. She was very shocked. She tried to collect pieces of glass which sprinkled on the floor, but her fingers scratched by the pieces of glass. The viscous blood soon flowed out of the wound.

"Oh god. What do you want to show me ?"

From the opposite direction, Dev walks over to her. His hand still holds her favorite toys car. It was the toy that Rahul gave a few years ago, as Dev's birthday present.

"Mom, what's up?"

"Don't come closer, son. Your legs can be exposed to a broken glass."

"Parvati .." called Naina.

Parvati, her household assistant rushed to her. "Yes, ma'am?"

"Please fix the shards of this glass."

"Okay, madam." Parvati immediately took the necessary equipment and sweep the broken glass. Naina stood up, walked to the long rack and took the medicine box then returned to the dining table. Dev soon followed her steps. He sat down beside Naina.

"Are you all right?" Dev watched Naina wrap up her wound with plaster.

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Why your glass is fall?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to call your Papa. I want to make sure he's done or not, but suddenly the glass fell and broke."

"I was playing in the room, but this toys car suddenly dropped from the top of my table, and at the same time I heard the glass falling, so I went out."

Naina frowned. 'Why did he also feel the same way ?'

"I was worried about papa, maa."

"Yes, I was so."

"Just try to call his phone."

Naina followed her son's advice. She reached for her phone and called Rahul.

"His phone is not active."

Dev bowed his head. He grew closer to his toy. "I'm afraid something was happened to papa, maa .."

"You can't say that. You should pray, so papa will be fine."

Dev just nodded his head.

Naina tried to calm down in front of her son, despite her heart is very messy. Bad thoughts about her husband often come since Rahul left this morning.

"You wait here." Naina said as the bell door was ringing.

"Yes, maa." Dev replied. He looked engrossed in playing with his toy cars, while Naina walked to the front door.

"Reena?" Naina was a little surprised to see Reena in front of her door.

"There's something I want to talk." Reena said, her face looking serious.

"Come in ..." Reena followed Naina's steps into the living room.

"Would you want something to drink?"

"No, thanks, I'm only here for a while."

"Ohh, all right. Then, why did you coming here?"

Reena paused. She searched for the right words to begin her conversation.

"Reena ?"


"What do you want to say? You've just been quiet and dreamily, what's the matter?"

"Yes, there are some things I want to say."

"Then, said it."

Reena took a deep breath. She tried to be calm to say everything. Yes, she must tell Rahul's secret affair to Naina right now.

"It's about..Rahul..your husband.."

"Rahul ? What's wrong with him?"

"Umm..Actually..Rahul...He is.." Reena too nervous, so her words were stammering.

"What's wrong with him ?" Naina asked her once again, her face turning serious.

"He is.."

"Reena, don't make me curious .."

"Rahul ..."

Suddenly the landhome phone rang. Naina approached the desk hurriedly and picked it up.

"Hello .."


"Yes, I am. Who is it?"


"Yes, it is true."


"What ?!" Naina cried. The two friends looked at each other.


"Yes, I'll be right there."

Naina hung up. Her body shook, her eyes filled with tears.

"What's the matter, Naina?"

"Rahul .. He got an accident .."

"What ?!" Reena was startled. If Rahul crashes, that means his sister, Maya is also wretched.

"I would go to the hospital." Naina stood up and started to move.

"I got you there."

"No, I'm with Dev alone."

"Don't be rash, Naina, you're in a mess. I can't let you drive alone, let me go there, I want to see his condition too."



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