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Spencer's POV -

After HOURS of travel, we finally landed in Paris. I've waited for this trip since I was 16. But not just with anyone, with Toby. Ever since I got him more into French, that's kinda been our second language, you know? Only we understand it with each other. So... Obviously, Paris has been at the top of our list for a while now.

We landed and all I wanted to do was go to the resort, and SLEEP. So, we did just that. We got some food from the airport and headed to the resort.

"This room is soooo beautiful!" , I said to Toby. " I don't even know if I can sleep in here, there's so much to do."

"Well, I always pick the best for you.", he said back.

"Well thank you Toby, you have no idea how much this means to me.", I said back, wrapping my arms around him and giving him a peck.

"I'm pretty sure I do, I mean, you have wanted to do this since we met, but, you're welcome.", he said with a smile across his face.

"You know what. Nevermind, I don't wanna waste anytime on this trip. No nap. Let's go have some fun!", I begged.

"You're right. Let's do this.", he said as we ran out of the room.

Went spent hours on the town, had an amazing dinner, decided to end our first night at the Eiffel Tower.  We went all the way to the top and just looked out at the world, I could see for miles.  All I did was lean on Toby's shoulder and enjoy this moment.

"Hey...", Toby said, and I stood up to face him.

"What? Are you okay?", I asked.

"Yes, of course. How could I not be?", He said as I smiled.  "It's just that I was thinking about what Emily and I talked about and how you and I were talking about having a family together, and the truth is, I don't want to be with anyone else. You are the one, and you always will be. You pick me up when I'm feeling down, make me smile, and you're the only person I've ever had in my life that has made me feel loved and that I have been madly in love with.  I want for us to be there for each other for as long as we are alive.  So I know this is totally unexpected and I didn't even plan for this to happen, but I have wanted to do this for months now... Spencer Hastings, will you marry me?", He finished, both with tears in our eyes. I was speechless.

"Well, are you gonna say something?", He asked nervously.

"Yes, oh my gosh, of course, yes I will marry you!", I squealed back at him as I jumped into his arms.

We shared the most romantic kiss we have ever had and I had never been happier in my life.

"I'm sorry it was so unexpected, I have the ring at the hotel room, but I really just felt like doing it and-", he couldn't finish cause I cut him off.

"No, it was perfect.", I said back as I smiled and brought him in for another kiss.

We headed back to the room soon after, it was 2 am but we were so happy, we couldn't even sleep.  We didn't tell anyone, we just laid in each other's arms and admired each other.  Never in my life until a year ago did I think that we would be happy together, and finally, our dreams have come true.

"Who would've thought...", I chuckled.

"What?", Toby said back.

"Seriously, who would have thought we would have ended up happy together.  After everything we have been through, it's almost as if our lives were destined to be the way they were.  Even though we had to go through so much loss and pain, we ended up having each other to lean on...  I'm just so happy.", I said.

"Me too.", he said, and kissed me on the cheek.

It wasn't soon after that that we went to sleep after the most amazing night.
The rest of our week in Paris was amazing, but I definitely couldn't wait to get home and share the news.  Finally, we can have our happy ending.

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