Chapter 30

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Christmas wasn't full of smiles and joy like it was supposed to be, but scowls and fights instead. I wasn't expecting it to turn out that way at all and was extremely upset that meeting Harry's father for the first time turned out that way. In the past, whenever thinking about being in a serious relationship, I have always wanted to be close to my boyfriend's family. I have always wanted to be best friends with not only his parents, but his siblings as well and so far, that is not off to a good start at all.

"I fucking hate him, Parker. I have never hated anyone as much as I hate that man." Harry hisses as we drive back home, his bloody knuckles turning white as he clenches the steering wheel. "He just had to treat you with so much disrespect," he spits. "He acts like he is better than everyone and that the only people who matter in this world are him, his wife, and his precious step-daughter." Sighing, the car comes to a stop and I notice that we're at a stop light. Looking at me, he says "you know he likes them better than me, right? He likes them better than his own flesh and blood. We have never really gotten along, but it's because he always put work and everything else before my mother, sister, and I. He didn't care. He still doesn't, actually, but now that he has his new, perfect family, he acts like they're not only important, but better than the family he created and was once in. It's sickening." Noticing that the traffic light had turned green, he steps on the gas and takes off, growing closer and closer to his apartment building. 

"Harry," I sigh. "I didn't want to today to end up this way and I'm sure you didn't either, but it did and I'm sorry for making you go there even when you told me you didn't want to. I just wish it was different and about your father not caring, I honestly don't think that's true. Yeah, maybe he is a bit of an asshole, no offense, but I know he cares. He does."

"You don't know him, Parker. He doesn't care, he never has and he never will. You met him once, don't act like you have been here the entire time." Feeling a bit hurt and taken back, I stay quiet and look out the window, not expecting to be attacked from just trying to help. Sighing, he pulls into his apartment complex and parks the BMW. "Listen, I didn't mean for that to come out the way it did, but my father is a sensitive subject and I would really like to not talk about him anymore."

I nod and open the door, stepping out and walking straight for the door, trying to get out of this cold weather as fast as I can. The sound of Harry's footsteps crunching in the snow behind me, inform me that he is following. I wait at the door and watch Harry dig out his keys, pushing it into the lock and opening up the heavy object for me. Thanking him, I walk straight up the staircase and to his apartment, waiting for him to unlock that door. The two of us both slip off our jackets when allowed entrance and I walk into the bathroom to wash Harry's blood off of my hands and face. 

I turn the sink on and allow warm water to flow from the faucet and on to my skin, splashing it against my face. The warm water relaxes me a bit and I can't help, but think about everything that has happened today; Harry and his father's brawl, him saying that I was his girlfriend, and the things him and his father said about his ex. His dad mentioned how he ruined his last relationship and Harry told him that it was an accident. From the way Harry said it, it didn't sound like the relationship ending was an accident, but that something he did to her specifically was and I couldn't help, but feel curious. I want to ask him about it, but I know it's a bad idea and that I should wait it out. 

Looking at myself in the mirror, I notice the bathroom door slowly open and in walks Harry. The dry blood covered his hands and face and there was a small cut above his eyebrow and his lip was split open as well. Sighing and wetting a cloth, I say "sit."

Harry obliges and sits on the toilet, looking up at me, staying silent. I get on my knees and begin to gently wipe the blood off of his face. He flinches at first, but I inform him that it's okay and it's going to hurt, but we need to clean him up. Understanding and relaxing, he allows me to clean off his face and put some Neosporin on the cuts as well. Once his face is cleaned, I move down to his hands and wipe the dry blood off of his knuckles, noticing how cut up they really are. "Oh Harry, what am I going to do with you?" I say with a shake of my head and he shrugs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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