Chapter Two: Rainy Night

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When the lunch bell rang, Coy stood and was held up at the door while the class poured out of the room and went off to lunch. She finally made her way in and saw Sarah waiting on Starling to show him the way to the cafeteria. Coy was looking at them when Mr. Fischer said her name.

"Coyote, go get lunch and be quick. You can eat it in here." He handed her a hall pass, and she hopped toward the door so she wouldn't be caught behind Sarah and Starling.

Lunch wasn't great, and Mr. Fischer made her eat it at his desk, which made it even less fun. When she got near the end and started poking around one time too many, Mr. Fischer picked up the tray and tossed it into the trash. "I will not tell lies," he said slowly and handed her a piece of chalk. Coy sighed and went over to the long and empty blackboard. She wrote and wrote. Her hand was covered in chalk, her fingers began to cramp, but anytime she paused for more than a second Mr. Fischer's eyes lifted from his papers and she pushed on. She had almost filled the board when the bell rang. She looked quickly back to Mr. Fischer.

"Can I erase it?"

He still looked angry, but consented, "You may." He took another eraser and helped her clean the board. "I want to talk to you after school."

"Okay," she replied knowing that she hadn't gotten off just yet. She got rid of the last of the "lies" moments before the first of her classmates appeared.

The rest of the school day passed rather painlessly. It was mostly math, which Coy was good at, and she made herself pay attention trying to put forth her best behavior before the end of the day. A boy named Henry got in trouble for tipping his chair back and falling with a crash, and a girl named Alice ran out of the room crying for no reason that anyone seemed to understand. She ran out crying twice the week before. It was just another day in Mr. Fischer's class.

Finally, the school day came to its end. Homework assignments were written up on the board. Book bags were packed and rechecked. Shoelaces were tied, and all eyes watched the second hand that always seemed to strike upon the 37th second before the bell finally rang. Mr. Fischer said goodbye and spoke to students while the room emptied. Starling came last. Mr. Fischer looked cheerful enough while he tried to explain something to the new boy. Coyote yawned and yawned. When the room was empty, Mr. Fischer came and sat at the desk beside her.

"So Coyote Azazello, what am I going to do with you?"

Coy looked out the window.

"How's Caesar?"

Coy smiled and looked back. "He's good. He wishes he could come to school. I wish he could too. I'm worried he's going to make a mess of the yard because of the rain. But I don't think he will. He's a good dog."

"He is," Mr. Fischer smiled. "And your dad?"

Coy shrugged, it was easier to talk about Caesar. "He's fine."

"You two get along alright?"


"Is he working?"

"Nah, he stopped."

"Don't say nah, say no."

"School's out," Coyote joked.

"Where were you last Friday?"

Coyote looked at her shoes, she shrugged. "I was sick."

"There's a lot of daylight left. Do you want the chalk again? Or maybe we should ask your father where you were on Friday."

Coyote looked up alarmed and shook her head. "I didn't want to come to school. It was nice out."

"Coyote you don't just come to school on bad weather days. You go to school every day. You learn every day. If I have to, I will talk to your father."

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