~Part two~

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~fords pov~
After I went back to my dorm I sat down and began reading. My roommate (Eric) was doing the same. It was awfully quiet so I decided to start a conversation "so, um.. do you have any hobbies, Eric?" I asked he put down his book and responded "well, I can play the guitar, I also like to do art sometimes" I noticed he was focused on something while talking to me and I realized what it was. He was looking at my six fingers, I felt embarrassed but tried to ignore it.

~Ella's pov~
When I had got to my dorm I was immediately greeted by an entergerzic girl, she had brown hair, blue skinny jeans, with a white shoulder shirt and bright blue eyes, she wore a silver locket and black boots "hello!! I'm Maria!" She said and held her hand out while smiling "nice to meet you, Maria. I'm Ella" I shook her hand and smiled back "oh, Ella wowza that's a pretty name!" I responded with "thank you" then I sat my stuff down and took my notebook out and began doodling. Maria was laying down on her bed while reading, it was pretty quite but they both liked it that way.
-time skip-
~ford pov~
After about an hour of talking me and Eric decided it was time to head to bed, we turned out the lights and we each dozed off to sleep"
-time skip-
I woke up a bit to early, it was 4am and I just couldn't sleep, my roommate was still out cold so I decided to stay quite. As 2 hours past it was now 6am their classes didn't start until 8am, but I decided to go ahead and get ready. As I was doing so I dropped my glasses "dammit.." I mumbled and picked them up, they had a crack on the top of the right lens. I shrugged it off because they still worked. It was now 7am my roommate was up and he got himself ready as well.

~Ella's pov~
I woke up late, I almost panicked my roommate did as well. We quickly rushed to get ready, I put on a white cardigan and a very light blue dress, I brushed my hair quickly then I was ready to go. My roommate Maria had her heir in double braids, she wore black leggings and a Long blue shirt. We both left and went to our separate 'classes'
-time skip-
It was around 1pm and I was getting hungry, I suddenly remembered me and ford were going to get lunch together. I waited for a bit hoping he hadn't forgot but eventually I seen him "sorry Ella, I had some stuff to do and that's why I was late" he said and looked at me "it's ok! Don't worry about it" I smiled, and we walked to a small restaurant to eat, after we got their we ordered and began talking about everything going on. As ford was talking I listened to him, for some reason I just felt.. weird. My thoughts were interrupted by my roommate walking in with another girl. Maria smiled and waved and I did the same back. "Who was that?" Ford asked me "oh, that's my roommate Maria" I said while smiling. Our food arrived and after we finished we left,
As we walked back we were still taking and laughing, I jus overall felt really happy. The rest of the day passed me and ford finished all our classes and went back to our dorms. I was once again welcomed by Maria's smiling face, but instead of hi I got "omg who was that! Is that your boyfriend!? Do you like him! Omg omg!" He personality was definitely very energetic, I blushed slightly and laughed a bit "no, he's just a really close friend" Maria responded with "mhmmm.. that's what they all say" she giggled. So I decided to ask "who was that girl you were with? Is she your friend? Sister?" Maria blushed "oh.. she's a close friend like... what's his name to you!" I giggle "ok then" I was cut off by her asking "by the way what's up with his hand, it seemed weird..."

To beeeee continued~~~~~
(I ran outta time)

Just study buddies?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora