~Part 3~

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Hellooooo peoples I just wanted to let y'all know that I'll probably be updating a lot today, after this chapter I'll be adding chapter two for my billdip story, and then I'll be starting my lapidot story ! So yeah !!! Enjoy this I guess XD
~Ella's pov~
Maria had just asked why fords hands seemed weird. I immediately knew why but she had no clue. "I just noticed something off about his hands that's all, but I didn't really catch what it was" Maria said when I didn't respond. I finally said "it's because he has 6 fingers on each hand" I raised my hand and wiggled my fingers around and she said "ohhhhhh.. that's so cool!". I smiled "yeah, it is" she smiled back and sat down.

~fords pov~
Me and my roommate Eric were silent. We didn't talk and we both just were quite. I began reading and something was bothering me, I had no clue what was bothering me just something was. I began thinking to myself quietly.
-time skip-
It's been 2 months now and me and Ella have become very close. We went out to lunch quite often and we had always studied together. My roommate and I still have not really 'clicked' but we both didn't seem to mind.

~Ella's pov~
As 2 months went by my feelings towards ford have changed quite a bit. I began seeing him a lot more different. I couldn't really put my finger on it but as I was thinking what if i had liked Ford more then just a friend..? No no no I pushed that thought out of my head almost instantly. On the other hand me and Maria had become really great friends! It was about 5pm and me and Ford were going to go down to the library to study. I grabbed my bag and said bye to Maria then made my way down toward the library, when I arrived to no surprise Ford was already down there studying "Stanford, I feel like your always studying! Don't you ever take a break" I said in a joking tone and sat down beside him. He closed the book he was reading and rolled hums eyes playfully "of course I take a break, whenever I sleep, that is my 'break time'" I responded "yep, proves my point. You never sleep so you never take a break" I laughed a bit. After about an hour of studying I got tired and I decided to call it a day. "I think we should call it a day" I said and looked at Ford "oh, yeah" he responded. I grabbed my bag and was about to head out "you coming?" I asked as ford was still sitting down and studying "no no, I'm gonna stay and study. You can go on ahead and go".
-time skip-
I was back in my dorm and it was like 12am. My roommate was passed out but I couldn't sleep, and for some reason I felt the need to go back to the library. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door quietly. I made it to the library and to my surprise the doors weren't locked. But I rolled my eyes at the sight of Ford passed out with papers and books surrounded by him. I picked up his stuff and put it in his bag, "psst Stanford, wake up you passed out in the library" I nudged him. He woke up and groaned "I did?" I rolled my eyes "yeah you did,
I put your stuff in your bag now let's go." I said and he got up "what time is it anyways?" I looked at him and said "12:30am"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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