Reality is reality and nothing will change that.

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The only reason I'm writing this is because I kind of have something to say.
First, I deleted all of the stories. I didn't like them. They were poorly written, non creative, and just plan lazy. Sadly, I don't have the energy or passion to make new ones. I left the tmnt fandom for what's been like- a year and a half now!? I still like it and stuff but I'm not as into it. Oh! And I recently watched an episode...

I KNOW YALL MAD. All of the relationships are basically canon. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I got over tmnt and I still felt a teenytiny but jealous.

Really, I just want to hear your opinions and stuff. Go on a full rant or something I just want to know what's going on in your heads.

Also, turtle tots. I saw the pic. Also, also, SPLINTER IS DEAD, again? Did I miss something? I could have swore they went back and time and fixed all of this.

That being said, I've written a very short oneshot since you're here.


This was it. Things stopped making sense. Reality flipped and did a belly flop right before your very eyes. None of this was real.

You blinked.


You swallowed and breathed. It felt as if- as if- if everything- you didn't even know. Things were wrong and apparently always had been. Tmnt was only a T.V show and that hurt now more than ever. You spent days with someone who was never there and never will be. You're actually a loner and you never noticed because you had you fandom.

"T/n, keep me here with you, please."

You were looking through one of the dimensional portal platforms. He stood on the other side with a hurt expression.

You didn't belong there. But you wanted to oh so badly. Reality isn't fair. This world that he lived in was perfect. It was a kids show. Nothing too bad would happen. Consequences weren't always real and logic didn't hold you down. If you slam into a wall there you would just shake it off with a witty comment and go on. Here, you hit a wall and it means injuries and other bad things. Sometimes.

The best part, if you didn't die in a battle or something, you would just blank out when the show ended. Game over. You didn't have to grieve.

"Please, don't sound that way." He pressed his hands to your cheeks, never stepping through. "It makes this harder."

"T/n." He stepped back. "T/n, stop, I don't want this."

"Being here won't-" he paused and looked away. "I don't know what to say but something bad will happen to you. I know it. I don't want that for you."

"It's not up to you."

"After this, our minds will reset. We won't remember. Know what that means?"
You nodded and frowned.

" We can't hurt over something we never had."

The passageway between you solidified. You screamed and banged at it. Not yet, not now, not here. You saw him and he smiled sadly at you. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes and he pressed his forehead on the makeshift glass.

"I love you. Even if my words don't exist here."

You just want him to hold you and tell you it was a joke. That you didn't have to go back.

Then, there was one last glance before you blinked and everything twisted.


He lied. You didn't forget. You're sad and he isn't there to comfort you because he is real. And he never was. You're in love with a random thought. And it never hurt so bad.

This was sadder than expected. Probably because it's true.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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