(JSYLM) Chapter Two

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*Arynne's POV*

"Attention all passengers, attention all passengers, we will be landing very shortly, so if you will please strap yourself in you seat. Thank you for choosing to fly with Airline Maine, and have a nice day" The annoying sound of the slutty flight attendant announced, flashing a flirty smile at some older gentleman with a wife and child right next to him, which he gladly returned. Gosh, if I could do anything right now, I would probably slap the shit out of both of them. Her annoying screechy cat-like voice was only feeding my insane headache I got from some old bickering couple. They argued like none tomorrow. Thank god we will be landing soon, I don't think I can deal with this much longer.

When the plane finally landed, I was first to sprint off. Inhaling some fresh air, I went to find my luggage, which only took another 30 minutes. As I was reading a text I got from Caroline about where her and her brother were waiting for me, the most drool-worthy smell smacked me in the face. It smelt woodsy, and wintery. Where is it coming from? I've never smelt anything like it before!

"ARYNNE" I heard the voice of my best friend. I finally spotted Caroline next to an extremely attractive fellow, and the scent just kept getting stronger the closer I got to them. I threw my suitcase on the ground and launched myself into Caroline's out-stretched arm, squeezing the living daylight out of her. She mumbled a trail of curse words about personal space, but gave in to my huge hug. It has been about four years since I have seen my best friend of 17 years. I can, and will, hug the living hell out of her. When she finally released me, I felt the sudden urge to hug whoever was behind me and that's exactly what I did.

'Its our mate, Arynne' My wolf, Jazmyne purred. Wait, what? There is no way in HELL I want a mate! Its basically saying, here's two people, lets force them to love each other, and that's not what I want. But when I looked up into his sparkling blue eyes, the thought of not wanting a mate completely vanished from my mind. I felt the powerful aura he was letting off, and then I realized who this mystery man was. He was Aaron. Aaron the Alpha, A.K.A Caroline's older brother. But, boy was he attractive.

"My apologies, Alpha Joeself I just thought you were someone else. I am very sorry." I whispered as fast as possible, jerking away from his perfectly sculpted body. Only to be pulled back into his hard, yet soft chest. I felt his tongue explore its way up my neck, and finally resting on the place where my neck and shoulder meet. A quiet moan escaped my lips as I leaned further into him.

"Apologies accepted, mate" I heard his husky, raspy voice whisper.  Warmth spread up and down my body as the pleasure increased.

"Aaron quit fucking groping my best friend" I heard Caroline growl as she dragged me away. Oh god! She was watching the whole thing! How embarrassing! I felt my face heat up with a blush that was extremely visible due to my pale skin.  Aaron let out a vicious growl, even scarier than Caroline's.

Mr. Pissy-Alpha dragged my back into his hold, and that snapped me back into reality. I. Don't. Want. A. Mate.....even if he is unbelievably gorgeous. I stomped my foot, and stalked out of his grasp, ready to mutter those un-earthy horrible words that I most likely will regret later.

"No. No. No. Oh hell to the no. I, Arynne Hightower, reject you-" My sentence was cut short when his very large hand was clamped over my mouth. I was ready to cuss him the hell out, until I saw his eyes. They held pain, hurt, and anger. My glare died down, and now I feel incredibly guilty, upset, and hatred- for myself of course. This is exactly why I didn't want a mate. I didn't want to have to deal with this.

"As Alpha Joeself, I command you never to say those words again" Aaron stated bluntly. I felt his emotions hit me full force. He felt pained, hurt, and confused. I just want to curl up into a ball and die right now.

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