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^ there's no real reason I put that there, I just really like that song.

Can I just say that I find it really irritating that you're only allowed to put videos that are on YouTube on here. I was gonna put my Noragami edit in. Ok ok on to the story.

Hiyori POV
Knock knock. "Who is it?" I heard Kofufku yell.

"It's Hiyori!" I yelled back. Suddenly she burst through the doors and trapped me in a bear hug. "Yori!!"

I looked behind her to see no Yato. "Where's Yato?" I asked Kofuku. She shrugged.

"I think he and Yukine got a job." I nodded.

I sat down and Daikoku poured me a glass of water while Kofuku and I talked.

"You know, Yati used to be a lot different." Kofuku said, her face turning to a serious look with a slight smile.

I tilted my head. "What do you mean 'different'?" I asked. She looked up at me.

"He's a god of calamity, he used to kill people for money." My eyes were wide as I stared at her. "But he's not like that now obviously. He different now, he's nice." I hesitantly nodded my head.

"Oh now, what are you putting into her head?" Daikoku said as he walked in. Kofuku put on a innocent face and looked at him.

"I'm just telling her about Yati! That's all!" She smiled and he bonked her upon the head. Daikoku looked to me.

"Don't worry Hiyori. He's not like that now. Don't listen to a word she says." I smiled weakly then stood up.

"I-I really should be going." I bowed. "Aw! You're leaving?" Kofuku said as she stood up and hugged me. I hugged her back then left.

As I walked home I thought about what she said. Yato... is he really a murderer?

"Hiyori!" I froze. That voice... that smell. "HIYORI!!" I slowly, hesitantly, turned around. I saw Yato run right up to me.

"Hey!" He said. I shook away my scared look and forced a smile. "H-hey." I said. He looked at me confused.

"You okay Hiyori?" I could feel myself go pale and my stomach dropped. "Y-yup, just fine." I tried to say enthusiastically but it came out bland.

"I have to be going home, bye Yato." I tried to keep a happy face but my look went solemn as I turned around and began to walk.

"Hey wait! I'll walk with you!" I heard him yell as he ran to catch up with me. The walk back to my house was quiet and awkward.

"Well, thanks for walking me home. Bye Yato." I said as I walked into my house and waved to Yato.

I decided to look up Yato to try and find out more. There weren't a lot of them, but there were some websites that talked about him. I clicked on the first one I saw and scrolled through it.

Every single website said he was a god of calamity and that all he did was kill. My anxiety rose after each website.

I sighed as I closed my computer. "It's getting late." I said to myself as I glanced at the clock. "I should get going to sleep." I stretched and went to bed.

In the morning, I started my walk to Kofuku's place. It's a Saturday so I don't have school. Halfway there, I smelled something. Yato.

I turned around and saw Yato and Yukine walking down the street. Luckily, they hadn't seen me yet so I hid in a nearby alley.

"...yeah she was acting really weird. Scared even. *sigh* well, I'm going to talk to her next time we see her." I heard Yato say as he walked by with Yukine.

Suddenly, there was a hand clasped around my mouth. A muffled scream escaped my lips but nobody heard.

Not caring who it was, I swung my leg back and it hit the person in the shin. They let go of me and I fell forward.

I looked behind me to see two guys. One with a knife. Ok, ok, I can take them. It's cool. You're fine Hiyori. I thought.

One of them lunged at me and punched me in the stomach hard. I fell to the ground and held my stomach. I coughed up a little blood and a small scream came out of my mouth. Not big enough for anyone to hear I don't think.

"Don't struggle, girl. If you don't fight us, we'll make this fast, you won't feel a thing." The one who punched me said. I couldn't move. The punch he had given me made me weak.

The one with the knife put the blade up to my throat as the other began undoing my shirt. My eyes went wide. He's not really going to do it... right?

"What the hell do you think you're doing with Hiyori?!" I know that voice... "Get the fuck away from her!" There was a blur and suddenly the two men were gone.

I completely opened my eyes and saw Yato with Yukine in his hands as a sword. He had a glimmer of rage and fire in his eyes.

I regained some of my strength and sat up. Yato noticed and his head snapped to me, a worried look spreading across his face.

"Hiyori! Are you okay?! What happened?!" Yato released Yukine. He crouched down to me as I buttoned my shirt back up. My entire bra was showing after all.

"I'm okay, thanks Yato." I said, standing up. "I just... I don't really want to talk about it. I have to go home."

"Hiyori." I felt him grab my arm and I turned around. "We're coming with you. No way am I letting you go home alone after what just happened." He said sternly. I gulped and nodded.

As we walked, it was pretty quiet. Yato kept a constant stare on me. My arms were crossed and for the most part, I was looking away. At times at would glance at him but that's it.

It still scares me to think that he killed people for money. What if he still does it?

This is my first fanfiction that I've made that's not Fairy Tail so I hope it's enjoyable. K peace.

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