Confusions [ 18 / 5/ 2017 ]

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"Oh I am so confused , what shall I say ? Do ? "
Often have we heard people or ourselves saying that
Confusion is like common sense
Everyone has it somewhere ... at some point . It just takes sometime to realise it . Now for example ; You are supposed to meet your crush tomorrow, so the very first confusion what shall you wear ? You have always heard that First impression is the last so you wouldn't want to mess up on your very first chance ,would ya ? Then this will follow up with the confusion of what to speak and where to go . It's a never ending list .
I was myself confused about what to write right now and look I found my solution. To write about confusion itself .
Although I know confusions are necessary but there are some people out there who like to make their lives more complicated by building up these confusions .
I mean why ?? Why would you want to do that . You already are aware that it won't help you and yet you keep the courage to increase it .
Instead of trying to make your confusions as complicated as a mathematical problem better to sit , take a deep breath and calm yourself . No , this won't help you solve anything , it will just calm you .
Don't curse me . I know you don't have the time to calm . I know you are the busiest person on this planet who has to watch videos , play video games and read more books and has to do what not .
I know everything you are gonna say right now .
Relaxing allows your mind to think straight . Well in a way .After taking that deep breathe break your confusions into parts .
"Like what should I wear ? "
"Since I am going to head to the beach , I shall carry my swimsuit and wear something light "
Simple .
Okay now for all the fashion geeks out there Who will raise their hands to question what if we have a ton of options ? !
Simple , wear something you love and feel comfortable in . Or if you are in a mood to switch things up then go for something you haven't worn for a while .
It really depends on your mood now .
I can't be looking through this screen to see whether you are currently grumpy or on the top of the world .
This is what I have observed people around me often do
However ,
It's just a perspective

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