Chapter 17 - All I want for Christmas (Part 2)

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I awoke to the warm sugary smell of butter, cinnamon and maple syrup wafting through the house.

Somebody was making pancakes.

It was a miracle that nobody woke up when I pushed open the really really ridiculously creaky door to my room that sounded like a dying cat (forgive me for the metaphor Poptart!)
I cringed harder with every inch that the hinges scraped against each other.  But, sucking my stomach in, I managed to squeeze through the small gap.

Tiptoeing downstairs I peeked around the corner and saw Ryan at the stovetop, humming softly as the fry pan sizzled away. I watched him attempt (and fail) to flip a pancake; he caught half of it in the pan but the other half ended up splattering on the bench next to him. "Crap" I heard him mutter, and I covered my mouth with my hand to stop myself from laughing out loud.
He binned the half on the bench and poured another ladle of batter into the pan. I spied a plate on the countertop that had only 3 pancakes, one of which was burnt, another scrambled, and the last was perfect. Perfect but tiny.

I snuck up behind him and snaked my arms around his toned waist, standing on my toes to whisper airily into his ear.
"You know, I can teach you how to flip perfect pancakes."
I felt him flinch in surprise at the unexpected touch, but then his body soon relaxed into my embrace.
"Good morning to you too sweetheart" he said turning his head to kiss my cheek.
It surprised me how such a brief and chaste kiss, not even on my lips, could send tingles of ...excitement throughout my body.
"How, how long were you watching me?" He asked uncertainly
"Long enough to know that you are the cutest thing ever for waking up early to make us breakfast," I said and revelled in the satisfaction of the faint blush that bloomed on his cheeks and the shy smile that appeared as he looked back to the frying pan bashfully.
"And also to know that you desperately need my help" I added cheekily.

After several attempts, Ryan finally flipped a perfect pancake and looked over at me in shock, like he had just broken a world record or something.
"I did it."
"You did!"
"I did!"
I grinned at him and reached forward to high-five him, but instead he took my hand in mid-air and twirled me around. I laughed freely as I spun straight into his arms, and I pressed myself close to him, burying my face into his chest.
It was warm, it was safe; it was him.
I could feel his heart beating fast as his arms closed around me, and I raised my head slowly to see him looking down at me; our faces only inches apart.
The air around us suddenly became thick with tension as my eyes flickered up to meet his gaze and then subconsciously glanced down at his deliciously parted lips. A Freudian slip of my brain I suppose.
Then, as if he could read my mind, his lips descended upon mine.

Mmm oh god he tasted like maple syrup; sweet and rich and totally addictive. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan of approval.

My hands gripped at the fabric of his shirt as the kiss deepened and his arms tightened around me, holding me close.

It felt so right, and it was so much but at the same time it wasn't enough. I needed more of him.
I slipped my hands under his shirt and caressed the small his back, gliding over the indents at the bottom of his spine, and I felt him shudder when my fingers grazed feather-light over his sides.
He grunted and lifted me up onto the counter, just like last night except that this time wasn't slow and sweet, this was you're-making-me-so-hot-I-want-to-take-my-clothes-off.

And boy did I want to take my clothes off. This was a different side to Ryan that I never knew about before. I was usually the dominant kisser but the way Ryan was taking control made me so weak...and turned on.

With every second that passed, I melted into him more and more, to the point that he was holding me up, and without the support of his arms I would have fallen off the counter.
He left me breathless as his lips trailed across my jaw and down my neck where he sucked at my pulse point causing my head to fall back in ecstasy as I arched against him.

This was not fair! He deserved to be punished for what he was doing to me.

I grasped his jaw firmly in my hand, my eyes hooded and staring into the depths of blue, darkened by desire.

"My turn." I whispered, watching confusion flash across his face.

I nipped and sucked, kissed and blew from his collarbone all the way up to just below his ear, savouring the feeling of his muscles convulsing at my touch, the sound of his breathing becoming increasingly laboured, and that sharp intake of breath he sucked in when my tongue laved at his ear and I took the tip of the helix into my mouth.

His whole body went rigid and his hands gripped my arms as if he was trying to control himself.

But I didn't stop, his reaction didn't satisfy me, it only spurred me on.

I knew I was treading on a fine line but even so, after pausing for just a few seconds, I blew softly onto the wet skin and trembled in his arms as I saw his neck spasm and heard him let out a ragged breath.

"Oh so your ears are your weak spo-" I tried to tease, but I was silenced by his lips crashing unapologetically back over mine.

The kiss was fiery and hot, and the searing touch of his hands on my bare thighs as he pulled me flush against him was more than enough to set my core pulsing with want and need.

How the f*** was he still a virgin?!

The acrid smell of smoke filled my nose and instantly killed to mood as we coughed and spluttered.
We'd left the stove on and the perfect pancake that Ryan had flipped was now up in flames.

"Shit!" I swore as Ryan took a wet dish cloth and tried to smother the flames.

I raced into the walk in pantry and yanked the mini fire extinguisher off the wall.
And to make things Oh so much better, the fire alarm began to beep incessantly, echoing noisily throughout the house.

We heard doors slam and footsteps thump down the hallway upstairs which told us everyone was well and truly awake. And probably cranky.

With one copious shot of foam, the fire was out and Ryan and I let out a huge sigh of relief.
"AHEM" we heard someone clear their throat behind us.

Looking at each other guiltily, we turned around slowly to see Kim struggling to keep her eyes open, Luke wide awake with panic piggybacking a dazed and confused Alyssa.
And then there was Rose right behind us, the one who had ahemmed, holding the plate of 'attempted' pancakes.

I smiled sheepishly at her while Ryan blushed profusely in embarrassment.
"Rose um we- I was trying to make__"
"Guys there's an IHOP down the street." She smiled understandingly
"Oh praise the good lord! I need coffee" cried Kim grabbing her coat and scarf.

And that is how the 6 of us trudged down to IHOP, still wearing our pajamas under our assortment of overcoats, Christmas sweaters and beanies, ate candy cane pancakes and holiday spice lattes...and drew pictures on the fogged up windows.

I know I know, this is a short one, BUT there's still Part 3 of christmas to go!
Comment and vote if you like the story so far! Or even inbox me, it makes me so happy to get feedback!
Cerise xx :)

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