"All thanks to Twitter"

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Words count 2518 it's long? Sorry. I hope you enjoy it.

*** **** **** ****
Times flies genuinely, it has already been 4 months since my breakup with Salim, gone so soon. I daresay Salim and I never knew each other, I was thinking out of the box at about 2am in the midnight and I couldn't go back to sleep and wondered what I will do to discard boredom.

I was wondering what to do. Suddenly, I heard a sound from my phone which revived me (an incoming message) I got it up and it was a DM by a man from Twitter, it was unfamiliar. Doing nothing and desire to do something made me to reply the message instantaneously, as his profile displayed he's not really young, after we greeted each other he requested if we could talk over the phone, I could not understand why I did not hid my pride as a lady, at least I should have waited for a second or even third message, but instead I texted him my digits and he called abruptly.

    "Hello beautiful", He said.
We talked and he enlightened me more about his life.

He's Muhammad from Borno, Maiduguri, but he lives and works in Abuja. He's 38, a family man with 4 kids, the oldest is 16years old named Na'ima followed by a boy who is 13 years AbdulMutallib, and his younger sister Khairat, lastly the little boy Jabir who's but 4 years old.

We talked for hours and hours and I got to like his humour, his taste is impeccable, he talks gently and admirably, the fact that he could make me laugh every minute made me like him,
he said he travelled to Kaduna for a day work, he was excited when he heard I live in Kaduna too.
He promised to visit me before taking off to Abuja the next day.

I was all psyched up, I mean I like this man just of a sudden why? I was awake whole of the night, I turned my wardrobe into a big mess, I didn't know what to wear to welcome Muhammad.

The next day, he called me at around 9am in the morning;

"Hello beautiful. Oh the latter word is becoming a cliché apparently. I extol you by the word, I wish I could at least conceal how I regard you so you don't take my pride with a grain of salt but what else could I do when the word describes you the best while I love saying the truth? Urgh! Anyway I'd like to come and consume a bit of your time an hour later, I've got some work to do so the visit would rather be ephemeral."

I kept mute since he called; I was just listening to him teasing me while scheduling the appointment.

"Hey beautiful, are you there?" He asked. I smiled after returning to my senses and answered

"Oh okay, see you then. I will inform my mother right away"
I had wanted to say See You Later Handsome but I immediately thought my pride would be at its lowest level; as it has already diminished since I could fall for him all of a sudden,
so I gave my pride the prime it deserves. I quickly got up from bed super excitedly, headed straight to my mother's room and told her about this new guy and his impending visit to greet her and daddy in an hour time.

"Whoa! I'm flabbergasted by this sudden approval. You acted pretty unlike how your father met me. You're a woman my daughter, you need to possess some pride. Your father suffered from my own pride before formal introduction. I fell for him in a short time too, but I was a bit bullheaded and I bet it pays to date because he still knows my worth, he knows I'm not cheap"

"Haba Mama! Do you indirectly mean I'm cheap and unworthy? I could depict your sarcasm" I scowled. And continued
"Pride does not work in this generation, I could show pride as a woman, but you would also have to keep feeding me until forever as a dependent daughter"
"Haha, You're such a funny girl. What do you know about generation? Oh don't make me choke!" Mama said laughingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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