Mey Rin Part 2

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"I am Ariana the hybrid. No one calls me by that. I realized in this moment I need to be on guard." So I started," A hybrid is a mix between two races." And am guessing your demon butler knows. Sebastian gives a slight nod. "See am special because I​ was never supposed to be born" I explained.

"My parents were a Angel and a demon. And for having this realoniship they were hunted down. But before they died they gave birth to me."

"My parents were able to survive for 6 years until they were found. And they were killed. I came back home after school. I was the first one they found me next to my dead parents. So the police kept a watch on me and I was named death girl."

"And all races have hybrid,  their job is to kill my kind. Hybrid s are pretty rare. Hey kid, send your your butler after me I will kill everyone in the house. "

"I am not a kid" he stated.

I walk up to him but Sebastian stops me.

Sebastian said " I will not let you harm my master, even if I have to reveal me true form."

"I cut him off you would be no match for me either way. Ciel Phatomhive I will respectfully work as your maid if nesscary.  To make one thing clear , I never accepted the job to kill your parents. I sensed it was a demon, I requested a meeting with your parents.  They knew they were going to die. They didn't want me to interfere with it so I didn't. I saw a tear slip down his face.I'm willing to become your maid. "

Ciel said " Why would you work for me."

I stop ," Here one I need a new ​Alias. Another reason is because I need a place to stay under a new personality.  As long as you keep it a secret I will work for you. You want a contract" I asked smiling.

"No I already have , "

"I cut him off I mean a paper​ one. "

Time Skip

"Master anything else" I asked. At dinner he told me my name now was Mey Rin and I worked under him for most of my life . I left and started cleaning the rest of the Manor. My new personality was nice and clumsy which was hard to prefect. Mister Sebastian would always check on me from time to time.

Strange Love ( Mey Rin X Sebastian ) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now