Car Ride Shenanigans

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We pile in the car after breakfast. We always have to drop Sissy off first, since her school is the closest. Once I snuck out of the car and left with Sissy, but Sissy called Mommie and Mommie picked me up again. I got in trouble after that.

"Mommie, can we get donuts?" I ask in the car.

"You just had cereal."

"But I want donuts!"


"Tampax! My name is Tampax!"

Mommie sighs. "Look, when I pick you up from school today and your teacher says you've been a good girl, we can get donuts on the way home. Deal?"


I swing my feet, looking out the window. We are at a stoplight. The car in the lane beside us has a little boy in the backseat. I wave at him.

He sticks his tongue out at me.

I scrunch up my face, giving him a mean look. He makes a gun with his fingers, and shoots me.

"Mommie, he shot me!" I yell.


"The mean boy!"

"Tell him that's not nice."

"Who is she talking about?" Sissy asks her.

Mommie shakes her head. "Just play along."

Then I have an idea. I pick up an old wrapper off the floor, and roll down the window. I throw the wrapper out the window, and it flies through the boy's open window, hitting him on the head.

"Keep that window up," Mommie tells me without looking back at me.

The light turns green, and I watch the boy glare at me as his car turns left, and we go straight.

"Meanie," I whisper to the car as I watch it drive away. Then I pull the window up.

When we reach Sissy's school, she asks Mommie if Mommie can drop her off behind the school.

"Why?" Mommie asked.

"Because I'm tired of Liz messing everything up."

"She doesn't mean anything by it."

"But she manages to embarrass me in a new way every single day."

"She's your sister."

"She's ruining my social life."

"Well you're going to have to learn to get used to that. You should never be embarrassed of your sister."

Sissy sighs.

When we pull up in front of her school, two of her friends run up to our car. They're Sissy's best friends; Olivia and Tyler.

"Hey, Lizzie! How are you?" Olivia smiles at me through the car window.

"My new name is Tampax Pearl," I announce.

Tyler's cheeks turn red, and Olivia bursts out in laughter.

"This is an even better name than yesterday's," Olivia smiles. "Princess Jelly Toast."

Sissy sighs. "I swear, every single day she comes up with an even worse name." Then she turns to me and says, "Louder; I don't think the whole school heard you."

I roll the window down and lean out of it, yelling: "My new name is Tampax Pearl!"

All the students outside turn to look at me, and most of them laugh. Sissy uses her binder to hide her face. I don't know why she seems so embarrassed.

"There!" I say. "Now I think at least most of the school heard me."

Tyler smiles at Sissy. "You walked right into that one!"

"See what I mean?" Sissy tells Mommie. "I swear, no one will let me live this down."

The three of them walk away and Mommie starts driving off.

"Listen..." Mommie starts saying.

"Why does Sissy always get so mad at me when I make all her friends laugh? She should be happy."

"Well, honey, I think she's a little jealous of you."


"Because you make all of her friends laugh instead of her."


"So I think you should stop making her friends laugh so she can do that. Okay? You don't want to take all of Sissy's friends away, do you?"

I sigh. "No."

"Good. Thanks, honey."

I pout. I like making Sissy's friends laugh. They treat me like I'm one of them.

But I don't want Sissy to be mad at me.

"Hey, maybe you should make the friends in your day care laugh. Then they  can be your friends. Okay?"

That sounds like a good idea. "Okay."

After a few more minutes we reach the day care. All the kids are outside on the playground.

"Go get 'em, sweetie." Mom smiles at me.

I grab my backpack and head out the car.

It's time to make some friends.  

A Day In The Life Of A Four Year Old Girl || Wattys2017 || Risherr216Where stories live. Discover now