Just Be Quiet

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Prompt used.

Boy in my class: why is your phone in your back pocket, it's so visible!

Other boy: yeah, why don't you put it in your pocket? I always do that.

Me: It'd be really visible I'm wearing skinny jeans.

Boy in my class: wear jeans with good pockets then.



Cold, dingy and not very well lit. That was in essence what my classroom was, the same room, one window in the far back corner blinds drawn tight to keep out any light. Desk in rows of two starting from the from of the class all the way to the back. As I look around few desks were filled because it was before the bell, there was as always the teacher Mr. Bewast at the front of the classroom writing on the board as to show us what we are doing today. Then there's Sam at the front with a book in her face and headphones on, next we have Finley who is only here early because his mom is on the school committee and has to act as if he's a goodie two shoes. Lastly aside from me, you have Ben, the quiet kid in the back of the corner there's not much to say about him other than he doesn't really have any friends in this school and he keeps to himself rarely talking to anyone.

When the bell rings more of the class come in and take their seats the last few come in. When the final bell rings I bend over to grab the stuff out of my bag when I hear my not so smart friend say "Why is your phone in your back pocket?! It's so visible!" I glance over my shoulder at Ethan the stereotypical jock who doesn't actually play any sports.

I was just about to open my mouth when someone else near the front of the class says without so much as a second thought calls out "Yeah why don't you put in your front pocket? I always do that."

I sigh at the boy's incompetence "It would be really visible I'm wearing skinny jeans." I comment in the direction of the boy duly.

"Get a pair of pants with good pockets then." Ethan comments innocently, my head slowly turns to him as I raise an eyebrow and give him a not so impressed look.

"Ethan I'm going to put this as nicely as I can, For the love of god, shut the fuck up there are no 'good pockets' in the girl's fashion industry," Ben growls out at Ethan annoyed at his stupidity. I glance at the teacher as he watches us with his arms crossed sitting in the corner of his desk waiting for us to finish our conversation.

Quickly I apologize, grab my stuff, hastily sit in my chair, and put my head down and wait for Mr. Bewast to start the class.  

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