Chapter 9: The Festival

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Chapter 9:

The Festival


They arrived very early but people are already starting to fill up. It looks like the Ueda High's festival is really popular as the grapevines says. The entrance was grand enough and they can already see a lot of booths lined up along the path before the huge school building that could easily pass as some kind of an institution dedicated to arts-like a museum or something-if it weren't for the huge embossed sign outside, they would probably think they were at the wrong place.

"I told you it was grand and that I'm not exaggerating, though at that time I was short on admiration because I was on a time limit." said Naoko, who, like them, is staring at Ueda with awe. "It really looked like a university."

"So what the people says is true." said Chiharu with her mouth slightly open as he admired the view. "It was really a prestigious school."

"I only saw it on brochures," pipped in Rika. "It looked much better in person." All of them except Tomoyo and Meilin nodded their heads in agreement. Meilin was busy with her phone contacting her cousin while Tomoyo in in her usual antics-video taping.

"Jeez, I can't contact my cousin," said Meilin exasperatedly. " And I was hoping he could tour us."

"Well, he's probably busy with their event," answered Sakura. "It will be tonight , anyway."


"Besides, will it not be fun if we discover it ourselves?" Naoko beamed. "Like an adventure. I told you before that the place is huge and I almost got lost. Well I did actually, on the way out."she added with a grimace which made them all giggle.

"Well, come on then, I heard Carlie and some from our schools put up booths in here." Rika informed them as she pulled a still recording Tomoyo.

"Eh, really?"

"Yes, Sakura, apparently Ueda's Festival is also opened to others who would want to put their own booths here. It's not exclusive to their students alone."

"I also heard about that, there are also popular stores that would put up booths here," said Meilin. "And they'll give great discounts!"

"Now, I'm more than excited already!" exclaimed Chiharu who suddenly turned on her back to look at them and started on walking backwards. "Let's see all the booths and must not miss one, okay?"

"Chiharu, look out!"

Too late. She bumped into someone and almost fell, but whoever it was caught her.

"Oh, Thanks..." she looked above her shoulder to see the one who helped her. "Yamazaki?!"

Chiharu gaped at him as he in return smiled. He helped her straighten up and she turned to face him together with the rest of the girls. Who were suddenly very quiet.

"Hi, I was actually waiting for you."

Silence still reigned on them. Finally, Chiharu spoke up.

"Why are you waiting...for me?"

"Uhm, I told you I would show you around, didn't I?" He said suddenly alarmed. "I promised I would make up to you." he added in a little voice.

Chiharu could practically hear the rest of the girls who were fighting the urged to squeal. But then, Meilin was different.

"That was so sweet of you!" She did squeal. " You're Yamazaki, right? The boy who sort of tortured our Chiharu back then?"

Apparently she wasn't so tactful either as Rika suddenly clamped her mouth shut with her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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