This Is Awesome

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Today is Friday. We leave to go on tour today. After signing our contracts on Tuesday, after Logan's mom looked at them, we headed back home and spent the rest of our week packing and figuring out all the places we would be going.

Jen came over the next day and attacked my closet saying that I had no fashion sence so she was going to pack for me. When she was done she had 6 bags full of stuff. I got it reduced down to 4 bags.

We were now all at the airport getting ready to head out to California to start the tour. All of the guys from Cloud 9 had disguises on so they wouldn't be recognized. All of our parents are here to say goodbye. Jen and a few other friends are here too. All of our moms were crying.

"Oh I'm going to miss you so much" my mom said hugging me.

"I'm gonna miss you too" I said.

"Flight 114 is now boarding."

"That's our flight. We better get going" said Jeremy.

We all gave our parents and friends one last hug. We walked up and gave the flight attendant our tickets. We all made our way to our seats. I had been seated in between Mark and Jake.

"I'm so glad you're coming with me this time" Jake said smiling at me.

"Me too" I said smiling back.


I wake up to Mark shaking me. "Hey. We just landed" he said.

"Ok" I say. I can't believe I slept through most of the flight.

I looked around and saw that everyone was up and getting their carry-ons. I stood up and grabbed my bag. We all walked off the plane and went over to the baggage claim to get our bags. After about 20 minutes everyone had their bags but me and Mark. All of the bags from our flight had went by and we still couldn't find ours.

"Hey guys. We have three cars outside waiting to take us to the hotel. How about the rest of us take two of the cars to the hotel while Mark and Lindsey go and find out where their bags are?" suggested Zach.

"That's fine with me" said Mark.

"Yeah that's fine" I said.

Everyone agreed that that was a good plan so the rest of the guys left while me and Mark went up to customer service to check where our bags were.

"Excuse me Ms?" asked Mark.

"Yes how may I help you sir?" she asked.

"We can't find our luggage and we were wondering if you could help us locate it."

"Ok what flight were you on?"

"Flight 114 from Ohio to California" I answered her.

"Ok and what are your names?"

"Lindsey Smith and Mark Livingston" replied Mark.

"Ok why don't you go have a seat over there and we'll call you when we find something out."

"Ok. Thank you" I said. We walked over to the waiting area where she had said we could sit. I texted my mom and told her that we had landed safely and me and Mark were waiting on our bags. She texted me back and I quote "Ok. Love you sweetie. Tell Mark I said hi. (P.S. Make sure to flirt)." She is so embarrassing.

There was an awkward silence between us before I broke it. "So.....How does it feel to be famous?"

"It's good. Well other than the paparazzi always in your business" he said.

"Yeah it must be terrible" I said.

"Well you kinda get used to it. So how long have you guys been a band?" he asked.

"Two years."

"They seem like really good guys" he said.

"They are. Jeremy is the really funny one. Kevin is the nerdy and quite one. Alex is loud and the prankster. Logan is our manager and is the serious one but he does know how to have fun" I say.

"Cool and which one are you?"

"Umm.....I don't know really."

"Oh come on. How do you not know which one you are in the band" he says laughing.

"I don't know. I've never thought about it" I say laughing with him. "So which one are you?"

"Oh this is easy I'm the cool, funny, hot one" he say smiling.

"Oh! really?"

"No" he says and we both bust out laughing. "No I'm the serious one. Zach is the prankster, Luke is the nerdy one, and Jake is the funny one."

"No Jake isn't funny. He makes the corniest jokes ever. I think your the funny one" I say.

"Really no one thinks I'm funny" he says.

"Well I do."

"Well thanks" he says getting a small pink tint to his cheeks.

"Mr. Livingston" the lady at the costumer service calls. We both walk over to her.

"Ok we have located your bags" she says.

"Good where are they" Mark asks.

"Um....they never made it on the plane they are back in Ohio" she says.

"What! How are we suppose to get our bags now?" I ask.

"Well get them on the next flight out and call you when they arrive so you can come get them" she says.

"Well this is awesome" I say sarcastically.

"Ok thank you mam. Here is my number so you can call to let us know when they come in" says Mark.

"Ok and we're sorry this happened" she says.

"It's ok" says Mark. He leads me out to the waiting car.

"Well it's a good thing I packed clothes in my carry on" says Mark.

"Well lucky you. All of my clothes are in my suitcases" I say. "I guess I'll just have to borrow some of the guy's clothes till tomorrow."

"Well I guess it's a good thing that we don't have a show tonight" Mark says.

"That is a very good thing. I really do not want to go out in front of all those people wearing a pair of the guy's sweatpants and one of their shirts" I say cringing.

"Yeah that could be really bad."

The rest of the ride to the hotel is quiet.

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