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Look up. Look up right now. Is the sky blue? Is it blue and pure and free from sin? Or are there clouds? Clouds rolling in, grey clouds, storm clouds. Maybe it's raining. Maybe you're complaining. Maybe it's too sunny and you almost can't bare the heat. Or maybe you're wishing for heat, but knowing that if it was sunny you'd be complaining. But if it is raining, find a gap. Find a gap in the clouds, a weak spot. Find it and look through, look through the clouds out into space. And imagine a planet, a little planet, much like ours, but a planet with power.

Power. It's a big word isn't it. You can get a lot from power. Power could mean you have the power to do something, or power over someone. Or it could mean that you're important. Or high up in life. Perhaps power means that you're strong. Or maybe people respect you. But you know what else power could mean? Super powers.

Super powers. I know what your thinking. Seriously? After all that? Super powers? As in Spider-Man, Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman? No. I mean powers. Elemental powers, storm powers, proper powers. And someone, somewhere, is using their powers. Right now. Brewing a storm, preparing to strike, but they won't strike where everyone can see, oh no, they'll strike away, far far away, in a solar system where the damage and the star blinking out will take years to reach Earth, and by then, this story will be forgotten. Long, long, forgotten. Left alone in the dust, still uttering it's last warning to Humanity. They're starting on a distant Solar System, and then they're coming for us.

Then look at the stars. Right now, find the nearest window, and look at the sky. It doesn't matter if its day or night, sunny or cloudy. You know there's stars up there somewhere, don't you? And maybe, near one of those stars, a tiny planet goes round their sun inhabiting life. Maybe, near one of those stars, Humans sit and look at our Sun, seeing it as a star, and wondering if there's a tiny planet going round, inhabiting life. Maybe on that little planet, Humans with powers are looking at our planet, and wondering why we are so dumb, so blind. How we can not see what is happening right before our very eyes. How we managed to get so far in technology yet we can't solve our own problems. How we managed to get so caught up in the modern day and age that we lost the simple ability to harness potential, an ability that they have had since the start of time. Maybe they are sat, in the same position you are now, not bothered, not listening, not caring, not believing. Not wondering. Not thinking. What if this is all true? What if they don't realise, don't realise that this isn't just any story. This is the story of how our world ends.

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