Puzzle Peices (4)

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All the way through Younger school Lluvia and Rayo had been closer than most people. Ever since Rayo had joined their Younger school at the age of five, they had been stuck together as if by super glue. Lluvia had drifted from her circle of friends and decided to stay by Rayo's side even though everyone protested. Through the years, they kept old habits of playing imaginary games when they were down or nostalgic, even in Sixth. They were often teased for being so close but it bounced off them, they were happy when they were with each other. Some teachers found it adorable, others found it weird. They lost their innocence together (AN: Get your heads out of the gutter) and grew older and matured together. They helped each other through tough times and even after the biggest of arguments they would come back together and once again stick to each others sides like they couldn't live without each other. And in a strange way they can't. Whenever something goes wrong, they tell each other, and if something is bugging them or even if there's a reason to celebrate, they always tell each other first. They were both aware that at some point they would drift apart, or be separated in some way, First School friends often do that. But they ignored it, and found ways to grow even closer in the meantime. They procrastinated leaving each other, and enjoyed each others company while they had it. They were like brother and sister. But different in so many ways. Their appearances, for a start, are almost opposite.

Rayo had brown hair gelled into a quiff and tanned skin, with light freckles across his nose and arms. He had deep chocolatey brown eyes that any straight girl would fall in love with. Red lips formed a smile that was always uneven, with one end slightly higher than the other, forming a flirty smirk. His voice was strangely rich, contrasting to his family wealth, with a slight Yorkshire accent. His fingers were smooth but always warm, and his laugh was infectious. He had a strange sense of humour, one which usually only Lluvia got. He looked at everything from a positive angle, and tried till it was impossible not to give up. He was never one for studying, and likes to spend his lessons sat at the back flirting with the nearest girl, with some work on the side. Teachers still loved him, however, because he was associated with Lluvia.

Lluvia was pale, with smokey brown hair, which was naturally curly, but she often straightened her fringe for it to fall over her bright blue eyes. She so had red lips, which were probably the only prominent thing on her face, along with her eyes. Eyes, which always seemed to have bags under them. She had a shy smile, often only seen at one side of her mouth unless she was with Rayo. When she was with Rayo, she was a completely different person. Her voice was quiet around people, but she could scream if she needed to. She was a good singer, although she'd never admit it. She loved school, the only way it could improve was if her gay gang was with her. She loved mythology, especially Greek and Norse. She had a sarcastic sense of humour, and although this was a sense of humour not everyone got, she had a habit of using it at the worst of times. Although she secretly hoped for things to turn out okay, and looked for the good in things, she liked to voice worries, and all the things that could go wrong. She was a master at subtle flirting, a trait even Rayo didn't know she had. She had a knack for figuring out what which boys wanted, and being that girl for a bit. She got a strange joy and satisfaction from enticing boys in. It felt good, in a weird way. It made her feel better about herself.

As different as they are, they fit together like puzzle pieces.

Rayo unlocked the door, and dropped his bag in the hallway. He knew he had homework, but he also knew he had a girls number scribbled somewhere on a notepad. He figured he could do his homework on the bus the next day. He flopped onto his bed, and pulled his phone out of his back pocket, before plugging in his headphones. He played whatever song he had paused that morning. Panic Station.
You've arrived at panic station...
"More like you've arrived at fuck girl station." He muttered under his breath, refering to the fact that his new girl was a looker, and had pulled many people in her time.

Hey there ;)

Hey ;)

How's the hottie?

Very good now you're here x

Same x

Can I come round?

Sure thing ;)


Lluvia knocked on the door. Her Dad came running down the stairs and opened up the door for her.
"Hello there!"
"Hey." She smiled. She kicked her muddy shoes off and flopped onto the sofa.
"Ahh, shi -- lling. Shilling." She said, trying to cover up her nearly swearing. She got up and trudged up the stairs before sitting down at her desk and plugging in her earphones.
Starlight. She smiled. She lived this song.
"Far away... This ship is taking me far away... Far away from the memories... Of the people who care if I live or die..." She softly sang under her breath before realising that her door was open so her family could probably hear. They didn't like her taste in music. She shut the door and carried on singing.
"Starlight... I will be chasing a starlight... Until the end of my life... I don't know if it's worth it anymore..." She smiled at her homework. She had finished it in class, as usual.

Hey Rayo



Answer mmeeeeee



Nevermind then.

I guess you're too busy with those other 'oh-so-amazing' girls for me.


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