A Little Love Story ♡

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Never did I know Love was so complicated. Love. What does Love mean ? When two people find their soulmates and cherish each other till death do them apart. That's what I thought it was. My mother used to tell me tales about how Beautiful Princesses always got their Prince Charmings. I always dreamt as a young girl that I would find my Prince Charming and have a big family and live on a Tropical Island. But in reality, it never really worked out.


There went my alarm. I slapped the top of the alarm. Finally it stopped but I could still hear the vibration of the alarm still ringing in my ear. I threw the cover and got up. I walked staright to the Bathroom. Dam it ! I had totally forgotten to wipe off any of my make-up from yesterday's Prom Night. I smiled at the thought. As I grabbed a packet of Baby Wipes I gently wiped off my Mascara,Foundation and Eyeliner. After brushing my teeth, I wandered to the Kitchen. Clean and perfect. Just as my Mum wants it to be.


Why did my phone have to ring at this time of the morning, at this time of the day ? 

Suddenly I glanced at the note under my phone. It was Rays' Letter. It read ;

Dear Ashlee,

I love you soo much I really want to spend the rest of my life with you. I have also considered asking you out as my girlfriend only if it's alright with you. If we have rushed things we can go back and always start again as friends. I wouldn't miss the world for you. 

Love you Babe xx

My Heart pounded as I read the letter over and over again. Woowww, Ray did actually mean what he said yesterday. I grabbed the letter and put it close to my heart. " I really want to spend the rest of my life with you". The words touched my heart. The sentence repeated itself over and over again. 

I wandered :

Should I become Rays' girlfriend ?

Have we took things to fast ?

Are we met to be together ?

I am ready for all this ?

Millions of questions barricaded my brain and it all went to fast.

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