Truth Comes Out ♡

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Two weeks went by quickly, but today I was feeling nauseous.I vomited bare times at school and was sent home. My mum thought I was ill but I perfectly knew what was happening. I left home and went to the Pharmacists. I bought a Pregnancy test for £13. I ran back home and went straight to the toilet.

I peed on the stick and there came the shock of my life. The stick read:


Just then my world turned upside down. If my mum knew she would never speak to me again. I couldn't keep it a secret forever. I held onto the stick and went to my bedroom. I went on my phone and messaged Ray.

meet me outside your house, needa tlk to u.

Almost 1 minute later he pinged me back.

Babe whats wrong and i have an exam so i have to be in school until 8pm. babe just tell me on bbm .

lovee u lots.

I told him that I was ill so he came around at 9pm with Selina.

"Hey guys, theres something I need to tell you" I said.

"What is it Ashlee?! They both said in unison.

"I'm" I said finally.

They both gasped.I cried and ran into Rays arms.Ray was my home.

"Oh my gosh, do you not realise that you are only 16! Selina yelled.

"Shutup man, the last thing she needs is her bestie yelling at her!" Ray responded.

What had I done to myself.

"This is all Rays fault, I told you that this would happen but you never listened!" Selina shouted and walked out, and slammed the door.

"I told you that I didn't want a baby but you never listened, dont you ever ever touch me again!" I screamed.

My emotions were high. One minute I was crying on Ray the next I was against him.

"Babe, don't chat shit" Ray said calmly.

"You are the only person that chats shit to me, dont you ever talk to me again"I said storming off.

And that was the very first time I had ever walked out on Ray.

I didn't understand why he wanted a baby, at this age. I was in college an A* student. 

I wanted to become a Fashion Desginer, but my chances were slim because now for 9 months I would be growing something inside of me.

Oh my God, what had I done to myself to deserve this nonsense ?

A Little Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang