Help Me

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Chris POV:

I lay in my bed with a pounding ass headache I wish I didn't drink that much, it's not like it helped anyway. I still have last night in my head, I can't believe she is gone.

Janessa POV:

I add the last streak of eye liner and stared at myself in the mirror. On the outside one may see a happy content girl who has her life figured out. But on the inside lies a broke heart in a million pieces.

"Janessa Leo is here to take you to work" called out my aunt Trisha.

"Okay I'm comming."

Pablo POV:

I see Janessa come out of the room eyes still contains a light shade of red, almost pink. No matter how much make up she puts on I can still tell that she has been crying.

"Are you ready?"

"Yea lets go" answered Janessa as she followed me out of the door.

"You look very nice today."

"Well thank you" said Janessa

"No problem."

The car ride was silent all the way to her job.

"Here we are."

"Yea time for me to rise and grind" replied Janessa.

"Girl you crazy, ill pick you up later and if you not too tired then we can go look at some houses."

"Yea that's fine" said Janessa.

"Aight love you."

"Um love you to" replied Janessa with a confused look on her face.

Shit I didn't even mean to say that, out loud of course. I drove off as quick as I could.

Chris POV:

I take a quick look at myself in the mirror before I walk out the door. I have no idea where I'm going I just needed to get out of the house. Everything in my world seems to be falling apart, maybe I should move away or something. I just need to get my mind clear a place I can go to realise my feelings. As I'm driving down the road I see a rehab center, I park in the parking lot and think to my self. Do I really need rehab?... Nahh I'm just losing my mind. Wait, maybe I just need someone I can talk to someone who isn't involve and can't take sides. A therapist! That's is exactly what I need. I know I sound crazy but I need to get help now instead of turning to alcohol. I back out of the rehab parking lot and head down to the health clinic.

Cindy POV:

I convinced my parents to let me leave on my trip by myself, they kept on insisting that they need to protect me. I am sitting on my plane waiting for it to take off I can see my parents look extremely worried but that doesn't phase me all that much. Finally I thought this day would never come Puerto Rico here I come.

Janessa POV:

This day has been going on for what seems like forever, there is just too much in my mind to deal with all of these customers and their picky asses.

"Hey which pair of earrings match thoes seashell colored shoes" asked customer who was obviously a tourist,

"Does it look like I fucking know!?! Hell this is a boutique not a damn Gucci store!"

"So is that how you talk to your customers?!? I want to see the manager" said the customer.

"Go right ahead sues over there see if i give a damn!"

Ugh I hate people like that shit I ain't your damn personal consultant. Cannot here she come with Lina, my boss.

"Ms. Foley our wonderful customer here said that you had gotten an attitude with her and said some nasty words, now Janessa what seems to be the problem" asked Lina.

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