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Chris POV:

This job ain't all it was cracked up to be, but I'm making the best of it. All I really do is transfer paperwork into the computer agonizing but worth it. Its 5 o'clock already and I'm getting ready to leave and head to my therapy appointment then Ms.Gonzales comes into the room.

"You are doing a good job Chris" said Ms.Gonzales.

"Thank you I am trying."

"No problem, and you better hurry up before you are late for your appointment" replied Ms.Gonzales.

Oh shit! I looked at my watch and it was already 5:20 my appointment with Dr.Foley was at 5:30.

"Oh my you are right I shall be going now I'll see you tomorrow at 9 am sharp Ms.Gonzales."

I raced out of the office and hopped into my car I had to hurry so I could finish telling Mr.Foley the story.

Janessa POV:

"... that very day he made me feel beautiful

"You are talking about when you had a mini breakdown about your bodyweight" asked Mr.Foley.


*the bell goes off*

"Oh that's all the time we have for today but listen Janessa I want to help you please come back" pleaded Mr.Foley.

"Alright I will try."

"See you soon" said Mr.Foley.

I walked out of Mr.Foley's office feeling I guess you can said relieved, these sessions are helping my paste my thoughts together. I'm walking out the door and there is this guy in a suit doing something on his phone and I swear he looks just like Chris. I shake the thought out of my head and head home to make some dinner.

Chris POV:

I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw a girl walk out of the clinic she looked just like Janessa. I shocked the thought out of my head and walked back to Mr.Foleys office after the lady called my name.

"Hey Chris how have you been" said Mr.Foley.

"Hello Mr.Foley, I've been doing good there is actually something I want to tell you."

"What is it" asked Mr.Foley.

"I got a job at the bank."

"That's great Chris, a step in the right direction" said Mr.Foley.

"Yea I figured that it will prove to Janessa that I am trying to do better."

"About that Chris.." said Mr.Foley.

"What's wrong?"

"Well before you chase after her don't you think that you should get better first" replied Mr.Foley.

"I was thinking that we both can get some help."

"Chris that's a good idea but as your doctor I really think that you should take it slow you have only just begun your treatment" said Mr.Foley.

"Don't you think that it would be killing two birds with one stone if you we did this?"

"I guess Chris but how are you going to find her? Didn't you say that she moved out of the house you shared" asked Mr.Foley.

"I will find her trust me."

"Okay Chris well our time is up now please come back soon and tell me how this little plot goes" said Mr.Foley.

"The next time you see me Janessa will be here right next to me."

I walked out the clinic and head to my car, why is Mr.Foley doubting me I can do it. I can get me and Janessa at this clinic by my next appointment. I just need to find out where she is living at, I need to get the address from Pablo I'm sure he knows.

Pablo POV:

Janessa has still been on my mind but I haven't been obsessing about it. She still texts and calls my phone but I don't answer. I just keep myself busy by writing. I write just about anything from poetry to ballads. It calms me down and helps me think.

"Hey Pablo are you home" called out Chris.

"Yea I'm here what's up"

"I just wan-" said Chris before getting cut off

*Pablo's phone starts ringing*

"Sorry man I gotta take this it will only be a minute."

I leave to the next room and answer my phone and it was a voice I thought I would never hear again.

"Hello Pablo" said Boss Man.

Chris POV:

I was sitting in the kitchen waiting for Pablo to come back when I noticed a piece of paper with Janessa name on it. I picked it up and it had her address on it, with no hesitation I grabbed it and head to my car. I have to make this right, one way or another.

Janessa POV:

"Are you sure you can handle being here alone" asked Aunt Trisha.

"Yes I'm fine I'm more upset at the fact that you have to work when I finally make dinner."

*Aunt Trisha kisses Janessa on the forehead*

"I know I'm sorry baby ill name it up to you, now I'll be back at 11:00 tomorrow morning" sais Aunt Trisha.

"Be safe love you."

"Love you too" replied Aunt Trisha as she walked out the door.

I was now alone in the new house all by myself. I return to the kitchen and finish cooking the chicken. 20 minutes later I hear a knock at the door who could be here this late at night? I crack open the door and too my surprise it's Chris.

Chris POV:

When she opens the door her face went from surprise to anger and without a warning she tried to close the door in my face but luckily my foot was in the way.

"Janessa please."

"No Chris" Janessa replied codly.

"Five minutes just five minutes."

"Fine" said Janessa as she let me in.

Do We Stand a Chance? (Sequel to Hidden Secrets)Where stories live. Discover now