Chapter 2

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Dan's POV

I heard the door open and someone say something out loud. Someone I thought was Phil. As they walked upstairs, I stood up off my bed and slowly walked towards the door. As I was about to open the door, the door opened, revealing a pretty girl with y/h/c hair and a y/f/b T-shirt on. That wasn't Phil, what was she doing in my house?! I was confused, scared, and surprised. I managed to croak out "You're not Phil..." The girl stumbled back. With an American accent, and a hint of a British one too, she asked "Who...who are you?"

Your POV

I stumbled back away from this mysterious man. Was this Phil's friend? What's his name? Why does he look somewhat like Phil? I asked him "Who are you?" "I'm Dan. Daniel Howell." He winked at me. "And you are...?" He asked. "Oh...I'm y/n, but I guess you can call me y/nn. you live here with Phil?" "Yeah, Phil and I live together, and we're best friends. Wait, how do you know phil?" I could see Dan tensing up again. "Oh don't worry, Phil and I have been friends for years. Now when Phil gets here, I'm gonna surprise him, so don't tell him I'm here." "Um okay, I won't." Then he winked at me again. Ugh, all his stupid winks make him look so cute! I started blushing madly, so I turned away so he wouldn't see my face. "Did I scare you away already?..." I couldn't tell if he was being serious or joking, so I turned around. He was walking away. "No, you haven't scared me away yet Dan!" The next part came out unexpectedly. "You're amazing." I was shocked I had said that to him. Now it was his turn to blush. "...sorry if I made that awkward...especially since I've known you for 5 minutes..." I was so embarrassed... *ding dong* "Oh Dan, he's here! Stick with the plan!" I offered him a smile. "No problem, I got this!" Dan smiled back and ran downstairs, and I went in Phil's room. "Dan, what took you so long?" I heard Phil say. "Oh sorry...I my piano..." Geez, Dan was a terrible liar. "Oh okay, I'm gonna go upstairs to my room. See ya later Dan." Phil started walking upstairs.

Phil's POV

Something seemed off with Dan, like he was hiding something. I brushed that feeling off and walked up to my room. I opened the door. There sat the one and only y/n, with her y/h/c hair and y/f/b shirt on. She was smirking. "Hey Philly Boy!" She said excitedly. I was so surprised to see her here that I fainted.

Dan's POV

I slowly walked up the stairs after Phil. I walked in his room to see a frowning y/n and a passed out Phil. "Oh my god, y/n, what did you do to him?!" She looked up at me her with her blue grey eyes. "I...I did nothing... He walked in and looked at me, then fainted." I looked at her eyes and saw the pain in them. I didn't think she had done anything to Phil, and her eyes looked so sad... " he...dead...?" She asked it so sadly, like she was about to burst into tears. "Y/n, I'm sure he's fine. Don't worry" I slightly smiled at her. "I best be getting home's been a while since he's seen me...he's probably just a little shaken up...I'm probably being enough of a burden to you anyways..." She started walking out the flat. I walked after her. "You aren't being a burden...please stay..." It broke my heart seeing her so sad. She started out the door "Y/ least stay for dinner..." But she had already left. I went upstairs and sighed, waiting for Phil to wake up. How could this seeming happy girl quickly get so depressed...?

Your POV

I've screwed up. Now Phil could possibly be dead, I've embarrassed myself in front of a hot guy, and Dan probably thinks I'm a creepy stalker or an obsessive fan...what have I done?...

YO IT'S YOUR [LEAST] FAVOURITE AUTHOR HERE, AND I NEVER UPDATE!! THAT'S WHY YOU [DON'T] LOVE ME! Anyways, I'll continue writing this soon, and there will be more characters, don't worry. I'm sorry I took such a long break. I normally write everything down in a notebook and then copy it on here, making a few adjustments. I've had it written in the notebook since May, but I've never gotten to copying it down...oops :')
It probably doesn't help that I've slowly been liking Dan less, and liking Ethan more...once again...oops :')
Anyways, I'll see ya guys later!!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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