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So I was tagged by Cyrus9173 to write about my wattpad journey I guess. Well, let's get started!
The lamest story ever:

My brother introduced me to wattpad. Well, at first I had like no use of it and I didn't even know what it's for. So I deleted the app and few months later I got it back XD I don't know why. So I was wondering off into some books and found a Pokemon Truth Or Dare. That's how I got into these pokemon books and I didn't even want to read anything else XD So then I met my wonderful friends and wattpad family. MinunAmour Cyrus9173 Dat1Yvonneshipper ItsMysticalDelphox Littlbelle Pupsey -Aria_May- and more.

Not the best story but oh whale! 🐳🐳🐳

☆Blossom Out!☆

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