Last day with him ~melody~

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''Wake up, wake up''
I opened my eyes and saw Ayla smiling at me
''How do you feel'' she asked ''I'm good why'' I replied
She gave me the are u gud bro survey I laughed. ''I saw how Daniel put his arms around your neck'' said Ayla ''you were watching'' I said surprised ''yeah no one noticed'' she said laughing.

Today we were going hiking day 2 of vacation, after we had to leave. I was thinking about what to wear I looked and saw I had this, cute white shirt with black stripes, and blue ripped jeans. I just wore that, anyways we were just going hiking.

I got outside where I saw Logan starting his vlog. I decided to say hi to the Logans. The boys showed up after, Daniel hair was messed up and he looked at me and ran away. I don't think he thought I would be up yet. He wanted to look good awe...

Zach came to me again "so have you ever been hiking'' he asked ''yes Zach I have'' I said smiling. They all laughed, what was going on. ''Um, Melody we have to tell you that Ayla recorded you guys last night having a romantic moment and Logan added it into his vlog'' said Corbyn WE HAD NO PRIVACY. I got real mad the media seeing us like that, no way.

Before I could go and yell at Logan Daniel came in the way with his hair on fleek. He looked amazing like always. ''Hey are you ready'' he said he looked nervous ''yeah sure daniel'' I said a little suspicious. He kept on getting a message from his iPhone he shut it up aggressively. I was worried what was happening.

We got to the jungle trail where Ayla looked like she was ready to run. Me and Daniel got off and he smiled at me. His smile gets me everytime. We started to walk where Zach got hit by a poison ivy leaf. He started to turn super red afterwards. We all asked him. "Bro, why's your skin so red'' asked jack ''idk, I think there's poison ivy'' said Zach

''There no poison ivy, just ivy'' said Logan sarcastically no one actually laughed cuz it looked serious. We kept on walking where we saw a beautiful waterfall. I wanted to take a Instagram selfie. I did. Daniel came in the way, before I could take the pic he kissed me on the cheek, I thought it was cute so I took a picture.

Once again Daniel and jack were giving each other thumbs up, those two made me laugh all the time. Again Logan was recording ''just go on a date already'' said Logan all hyped. Ayla came in ''give them space logan'' I could tell Logan wanted to smash another plate in front of Ayla.

After we left the jungle, I knew that our vacation was over. I was super sad, I thought about maybe asking the boys to hangout for the last time before they went on there world tour of "something different". I asked them all "since we won't see each other for some time, wanna come to my house just to hangout" I ask ''sure why not'' said Corbyn ''of course'' said Daniel he looked a bit upset, I could tell he didn't wanna leave.

We took our private jet where Daniel kept on texting aggressively to someone, who was it. I kept on wondering. We landed into a private airport where I saw my sister and mother. I went up and hugged my mother, she hugged me to. ''This is Daniel, and his band mates'' I told my mom ''oh daniel, nice to meet you'' said my mom, they both shook hands. Victoria was just staring at jack. She turned red and went behind me ''dude I brought him, just like I promised.

We got back home where my mom fell asleep, the boys sat down where Victoria brought lemonade. She sat beside jack and Daniel, she was happy. ''So I can't wait to go around the world for our tour'' said jack ''yeah, I saw your tour last time you looked so cute'' she said, then shut her mouth with her hands ''thanks, your adorable'' said jack, she blushed and hugged him. It was so cringey to watch.

After all that Daniel talked about how he loved meeting fans, we had chats about our most cringeworthy moments. And then we talked about what would happen when Selena Gomez stopped singing. I had so much fun talking ''well, we must go now'' said Corbyn ''well, it's bye then'' said Daniel

We had a group hug. Daniel was getting sad, I could tell. I just wanted to kiss him. But not the right moment. We hugged and I told him to keep me updated by making a bunch of stories and texting me. He promised. I felt sad that night, tomorrow I was making another YouTube video I couldn't just stop what I started. I couldn't wait.

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