With Melody ~Jenna~

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Jenna POV
I was at the gym this morning working out when i got a text from ugh that melody girl, she was saying how her Youtube channel got 100k subscribers and how the video i did with her got 90k, pretty bad if you ask me. I honestly didn't care but like whatever i just faked how "amazing" that is. Idk why I said that

I wanted to see if this was actually true so i decided to go to her house and see, i got an uber and just dressed up super lazy. I had a messy bun and a crop top with blue short jeans, and some yellow and orange chrome sunglasses, the usual. I got to her little house where i saw her jumping up with excitement to see me, wow what a Douchebag. She greeted me, so i greeted her back, then she said "i wanted to tell you something, maybe we should team up and sing together"

Did she really just say that, i couldn't believe what i just heard, my eyes grew wide, This is my chance to ruin there relationship and make them break up. I just acted like i was excited then, she wanted to make another Youtube video so like why not. So we did, she took out her guitar and i warmed up my voice. Then i started to sing my favorite song "¡Oh!,Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal, Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan,Sólo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso (oh yeah)"

She just looked at me and i could tell she had no clue what to say next. "um, jenna i only know the chorus". THAT'S GREAT!! I just knew it, i sang for most of the part then she sang the chorus, i made sure daniel watched this so i said "hey melody you did great" (of course she didn't) "thanks so much so did you girl" said melody with the most fakest smile "make sure daniel sees how good you did" i said giving her a hint to tell daniel "yeah i know he loves when i sing" she said, my blood pressure went high,

I wanted to edit so i just asked, surprisingly she said yes, wow that was EASY. she started to get hungry afterwards so i decided to bring her to my favorite coffee shop it's the coffee shop i went to always as a kid, once we entered she looked surprised. (weird) then her dumb fans went up to her and said "didn't you sing here" "ITS MELODY NOTES, DANIEL'S GIRLFRIEND" said another girl, i felt like i was going to explode, hearing that made my blood pressure go super high, i could just kill that little girl. I couldn't take it i sat at my seat. Then i overheard melody say "don't worry about her, she's single that's why" said melody laughing her head off.

Then i drove back home and melody took an uber, I hated her, hated her, hated her, i had to find out a way for them to break up... ----> to be continued.

Love_Story_5173- hey guys another short chapter, don't worry the next one will be long, jenna is going to daniel's tour so stay tuned!!!!!

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