Anubis all fall down

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Fabian's POV

Another year at Anubis I hope for one year there is no life threatening situation and I'm happy I mean I was so upset about Nina not coming back but now Mara is my girlfriend and I love her.

My taxi then pulled up outside Anubis and by the looks of things it looked like I was the first one here and I dumped my suitcase on the floor Trudy came running in
"Hello love your the first to arrive. Better dig in before Alfie comes" She said indicating and aray of food on the table and I sat down and began to eat

"Go in the front lovies been baking all day" I heard Trudy say and in came Joy. Mara. Jerome and Alfie
Everyone was happy to see one another but I was mainly excited about Mara

"Hey" She said and held my hand
I smiled back and said hi then we kissed

"Some people are trying to eat here" Jerome said sending me back to reality and Mara sat next me and also ate

Eddie's POV
I stepped out of the taxi and into creepy towers again and stood behind me was

"Yacker" I said having a smile on my face and she hugged me and kissed me"

"Missed you weasel!" She said and playfully hit my arm
I didn't know how to reply so I entered to see everyone eating peacefully until we entered and everyone burst into sound

Patricia looked at me and winked I knew what it ment
Everyone suddenly went silent when Trudy came in with an announcement

"We have some newbies moving in " Trudy said excitedly
Patricia groaned so I pulled her tighter to me to keep her calm as I know she hates newbies

From the hall came in a dirty blonde haired girl with an American accent we recognised to well and in came a blonde girl with suitcases full of clothes

"Nina" Joy shouted
"Amber" Alfie shouted
Everyone gathered round them all apart from me, Patricia ,Fabian and Mara

Nina caught sight of Fabian and looked down to see his and Mara's hands held tight and Mara said something and he kissed her on the cheek.

Nina's face then became pinker and her eyes holding back tears
"Fabian" Nina said forcing a smile
He jumped at the sound and saw Nina and let go of Mara's hand but Nina had already left to her room leaving everyone to turn to Fabian

"Nice work Rutter" Jerome said patting him on the back as a joke
He was lost for words and headed to his room

Nina's POV

Amber sat next to me wiping my tears

"Why did he do this to me?" I asked her

"He isn't worthy of you Nina!" Amber said
We have to sleep in the attic as there is no more rooms

"Look let me find my make up bag first" She walked over and pulled a sheet off the top of something reveling her bag

"There it is" She said skipping back

"Amber look" It revealed a doll house like Sarah's and it lit up I ran over to it and opened it to find black smoke filling up the doll house attic then disappearing to reveal a note

"It says A.....N....U.....B...I.....S" I told Amber

"Yep well done Egyptians you can say the name of the school" Replied Amber
"Oh well its not another mystery so come on Nina let's go get some dinner" She yanked my arm and pulled me downstairs

Back in the room

The note vanished into thin air and so did the dollhouse as we headed downstairs

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