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Joslynn POV
It's been about two weeks since I moved away and it hasn't been easy I miss everyone so much and all I've done is sat in my room and right my house is huge and it's really pretty but I don't have any interest in it because I just want to be home with my friends and family.

my mom hasn't changed one bit she still the same bitter woman that she was before we left me and Nova have talked every day since I left there's nothing really special going on here.

I haven't found a studio to record yet but my mom got tired of me asking so we're building a studio in the house I don't understand why my mom had to get such a big house because it's only May her and my sister I can't wait to get out of  my moms house.

There's only been one huge thing on my mind this whole time I can't stop thinking about me and nova kissing I wonder if it made things so awkward for him because I think on the only one that has feelings like that but I guess we'll just have to find out.

My thoughts were interrupted on my phone started to ring it was a FaceTime from nova.

I answered quickly his face popping up on the screen.

"Hey J"he says with the cutest smile "hey nov" I say returning the smile "how are you" he ask that was one of the things I loved about him he always puts others feelings first and there's always there if you need somebody to talk to " I could be better but I'm coolin' ya dig"

I respond not wanting to make him feel dad because I don't want every day we talk to be a pity party for me because I had to move away from home I want everything to be normal as if I was there with him he's still my best friend and I don't want to make talking to him not fun.

We talked for a while about a lot of things and we finally set our goodbyes after almost 4 hours on the phone I don't have anything else to do so I decided to write and I actually forgot to tell Nova that I'm going on the rap game in 2weeks and that was the last time we can talk because I have to go and complete airplane mode for the show.

I'm really excited for this opportunity especially to get away from my mom for 13 weeks my sisters going to be my manager for the show and I think I have what it takes to win.

The thing is I can't tell anybody I'm going on the show until it airs on lifetime not even my mother I just said I was going away for a while

I decided to pack since I had nothing else to do before I have to stop talking to people I do a Q&A on my life with my fans I know it's hard not to tell anybody Nova hopped in my live too.

All the comments talking about us being a couple made me blush people's  comments sayin we would be cute together made me hella happy then I got kinda sad when nova said "nah y'all wild you needa chill with allat"
When I got off of live I decided to text Nova

Me-Wassup with all these comments🙃

Nova🙄(bff❤️) -ion know but they
All FAxx🤑


Nova🙄(bff❤️)-I gotta tell you something J
Me-Sorry I didn't know what to say😂go ahead

Nova🙄(bff❤️)-Ok so I said the comments were true bc I really rock wit u J and I was thinkin about and my relationships never work and I think it's bc the right girl has been right in front of me the whole time.I like YOU J.

My heart skipped a beat when I finished reading the text I could not stop smiling but I didn't know what to say.

Me-Nova I feel the same way but I don't want anything to mess up what we already have😭and I just moved...I really like you too and I'm not rejecting you but idk how we'll make it work😓

Nova POV
BRO SHE FEELS THE SAME WAY OH MY GOD YES I couldn't be happier but I get what she's saying though.

I can't tell her but I'm going on to the rap game for 13 weeks and I can't tell anyone not even my moms my uncle Ekko is gonna be my manager.

It's gonna be hard not talking to her for that long but hopefully when everything is done we can figure things out and make it work. I'm just scared because we've been friends for so long and if we break up I don't want it to ruin our friendship because I want to keep Joslynn in my life.

Joslynn POV
Nova🙄(bff❤️)-I understand
Me-ily Best friend
Nova🙄(bff❤️)-Love you more ❤️gn J😙
Me-Goodnight ❤️

As I got ready for bed I couldn't help but to think what it would be like if me and nova got together now that I think about it sounds really good. He makes me happy he loves music as much as I do and also He's one of the only people that I can trust and that has always been there for me.

I can't wait till next year when I turn 18 and hopefully I will be completely successful in my rap career because I want to move out to LA and do my own thing me and nova and always talked about that.

At least for now I gotta stay focused.I can't do anything about a relationship until I'm done with the rap game hopefully we can figure things out after the show and make it work.

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