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chapter one

"she lives somewhere unpleasant,
her addiction grows"


The home she knew was not a place with painted walls and a warm bed but rather, a sidewalk covered in muddy footsteps and ripped up newspapers. The girl's name, Evelyn, lived on pavement with no place waiting for her.

Yes, she somehow stayed fed, stealing food from local grocery stores and drinking from the neighborhood water fountain.

She wore the same baggy clothes that she kept in her old suitcase from when she moved out of her father's house, two years ago.

      Evelyn just couldn't bare to live in a home that her father owned anymore, whether it was paid off or not, considering his late departure.

She was broke, blonde, and most definitely, a drug addict.

      I mean, it didn't start off this way, her addiction. The most she would do is a couple glasses of wine here and there, no actual drugs at hand. She soon became attracted to the high, the excitement that came from being numb.

So, she found something more addictive. She found something to medicate her pain, her constant standoff against the villain that was her mind.


It was Wednesday, one of the coldest days that she could remember. Her fingertips were frigid to the touch, and all she had in her pocket was a half-empty bottle, containing a variety of multi-colored pills. She begged strangers for money, as each one of the people she asked walked around her, avoiding every word she uttered.

As she sat there, she saw a guy across the street from her, his eyes a sparkling blue and hair, a lovely brown. She could barely see him, seeing as she still was buzzed from previous drugs she ingested.


He began to walk towards her, his face still a blur, trying to give her money.

"Are you okay?" he asked, handing her a twenty-dollar bill. He grew intrigued by her, interested in why she was this way. He wanted to help her, fix her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. Thank you so much for the money," Evelyn replied, her speech severely slurred.

As her sight went back and forth between blind and clear, she saw his smile, his teeth pearly white, trying to understand why he actually would be kind to her unlike everyone else.

"Well I hope you stay safe," he continued, "What is your name by the way? I wouldn't want to just know you as the girl by the grocery store."

"My name is Evelyn."
"Hi Evelyn, I'm Daniel and it was really nice meeting you. I hope life treats you well."

"I hope so too, considering it isn't going well now," she replied, her sarcasm coming to light.


      Daniel walked away thereafter, and proceeded to head in a different direction of Evelyn. He couldn't stop thinking about her. She was troubled, much like the others he attempted to safe in his lifetime. He wanted to save Evelyn, and give her happiness.

He didn't know if it was because he felt bad for her, or because he thought she was very beautiful, but he had to help her. He needed to know her backstory.


She watched him go, curious as to why he was so kind and left so quickly. Evelyn was intrigued by Daniel, pondering his nice deed. She thought about him for hours, the day soon switching from morning to night.

She laid down on the cold sidewalk, stuffing five pills down her throat one by one, covering herself with the ripped up blanket she had in her suitcase. Soon, she felt herself dozing off, and finally went to sleep, waiting for the next day to come along.


Thank you for reading! This is of course the first chapter before many, so I hope you like what you're reading and continue to stay interested.

next → "chapter two"

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