→c h a p t e r t w o

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chapter two

"they say joy isn't a form of medicine,
she doesn't agree"


It had been a couple days since Evelyn Jefferson had been given money from the guy who stopped to hand it to her, Daniel Parks.

Of course, she had spent that money on a new outfit, although irrelevant, gave her great and brief joy. That joy soon died off when she realized the mysterious Daniel was not going to return to her, at least she thought that he wouldn't, but he returned, visiting the same sidewalk he had once found Evelyn on.

He looked slightly different, a new haircut emerged and his shirt half-tucked. His eyes still a mesmerizing green, and his smile still everlasting. Evelyn was still filled with every substance she could find last night. She was not willing to give up her addiction, and basically thought she never will. Although Evelyn was still in a state of numbness, his presence gave her a break, relief.


"Hey there, remember me from a couple days ago?" Daniel asked, wondering if she truly knew who he was.

"I do, yes, I remember you," Evelyn replied, speech still slurred and eyes still bright red.

"Are you okay? Your eyes are red and you look super pale. Wait a second, are you high or something?" Daniel asked again, his concern growing more and more.

At this moment, Evelyn did not know what to say. For the first time, someone had grown concern for her addiction. She was scared that he was never going to visit her again.

"Yeah I am," Evelyn answered, knowing he was going to leave and never come back. But for some reason, he stayed. Daniel proceeded to help Evelyn up as she stumbled towards him. He saw the look in her eyes, the look of desperation, begging for him to help her, save her.

      This is of course what he thought he saw at least, when in reality, Evelyn was fine with being a drug addict.

"Get up, I'm taking you somewhere," he said to Evelyn, slightly frightening her. But she really had no choice but to trust him, after all, he is the only person she trusts, a stranger.


      Daniel decided to take her somewhere pleasant, a place far away from her troubles, her problems. He took her to the place he went to reflect, a local park by his apartment. Even though it wasn't fancy, with graffiti painted all over the statues, and grass barely cut, it was somewhere that Daniel could think about his troubles, and wanted it to be the same for Evelyn.


"This is where I come to think about my troubles,"Daniel said, as he sat down on a bench next to Evelyn.

      Evelyn began to stare into his eyes, reminiscing on the kindness he has showed to her these past few days. As she stared, the sky began to turn from bright to dark, and the constellations started to shine above them.

They both looked up at the stars, wishing for a common thing, fulfillment, happiness.

"I feel like you have been way too nice to me," Evelyn said, wondering why he was.

"I feel like I have too," Daniel replied, wrapping his arm around her.

      Evelyn began to lay her head on his shoulder, feeling more and more comfortable. As they sat there, the time began to fly, prompting Daniel to ask her if she needed a place to rest.

"If you need a place to sleep, I have a soft couch you could rest on," he suggested.

"It's fine, I think I will just go back to my area on the sidewalk, but thanks for the offer," she replied, too nervous to go to his home.

      He understood though, seeing as they just met, and she was not ready to leave the place she has lived for a while.

So, he took her back to her spot on the sidewalk.


"Are you going to visit me again?"
"Of course I will."

thanks to vacationers for voting on my last chapter!


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it was late but here it is and I hope you like what you are reading so far xx.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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