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When you entered the venue for Vidcon your mouths dropped. There were so many people and tomorrow was going to be amazing. You could see where the meet and greats were going to be with three backdrops for photos, they were in a line near the centre of the huge hall. You could see the doors which lead to where the panels where going to be, near the entrance there were stalls for merch and other things that you could buy. As you walked towards the sign in desk there where two huge lines.

"I think this is going to take a while." Keely sighs.

"Yeah I think it will." you giggle a bit nervously at Keely, the anxiety and realisation of what was happening was kicking in but it wasn't the normal anxiety you usually felt, it was a.. good type if that even exists.

"How about you girls go for a walk and ill stay in line for a bit, should give you enough time to look at merch, figure out where you need to go tomorrow and even make some new friends!"

You and Keely thank her mum and head off almost squealing. Neither of you new where to even start looking, Keely suggested looking at where some of the panels where as she got her phone out of her back pocket to check the emails with the timetables.

"Good idea." You reply and both head towards the panel rooms.

// time skip //

Just before you were about to head into where Jacksepticeye, Markiplier and other gaming YouTubers were going to be on Sunday for their panel you hear a voice coming from behind you.

"Hi?..." You look over to see a girl starting in front of you with a oversized black sweater hanging off of one of her shoulders, ripped jeans, long brown curly hair and the green-est eyes you have ever seen.

"Hi.." You reply hesitantly, questioning who the hell she was.

"Sorry to seem rude but I noticed you're wearing one of Jacks shirts right?" The girl says pointing at your grey 'Berlin' long sleeve shirt.

"OMG you're like the first person here to notice!" You say as a smile comes across your face again.

"Eh hem." Keely fake coughs and nudges you.

"Apart from you obviously Keely!"

"Well I think its awesome haha, I'm Steph by the way." She says reaching out to shake your hand.

"I'm (y/n), and this is Keely as I've already said." You laugh and all shake hands.

Time went on and you guys all talked about what you where wearing, with you in a berlin long sleeve shirt, black jeans and black ankle boots. Keely in her sidemen jumper (which Steph loved as well), blue jeans and what looked like yellowish workers boots. With the conversation then going on to Vidcon, you ask Steph what YouTubers she wanted to see or meet in particular.

"There are so many! but the people I'm probably most excited to meet are Mark ad Jack! I even got meet and great tickets and I want to cry, in a good way of course! ... oh! also Dan and Phil!" You could see her starting to tear up from excitement, you want to change the subject but what else where you going to talk about at Vidcon!?

"You're so lucky oml. We didn't get meet and great tickets." Keely sighed.

"Oh I'm so sorry! How about because you guys are my new best friends i'll take heaps of photos for you. I can even get them to sign something for you if I have enough time?" suggested Steph.

"Would you really?" You and Keely almost shout in unison.

"Yeah of course. Hey what is your guys snap chats cause I think I see my friends waving at me that we have to go." Steph says with a bit of stress in her voice.

You give Steph Your snap chat and Keely gives her hers. You and Keely look back at the line for the sign in desk and see that Keely's mum is almost at the front. Both of you start walking towards the desk when you hear about three girls scream, then three more, then three more, you and Keely look to your left where you heard the screams come from. You both saw green hair and tried not to scream yourself. You could also see red hair now, there's no way that it wasn't them. As the green and red haired men walked past the group of fans to get to a meeting, you saw them. Finally you saw Sean and Mark! They were so tall, and amazing and you couldn't believe it was actually them. You were left speechless and lets say Keely was crying at this point.

"OMG it was actually THEM." Keely blurted.

"They are real and Mark was wearing his captain America shirt and Jack, Jack was wearing his cactus shirt! Its SO real." By now Keely was hyperventilating. you tried to calm her down as you got closer to the sign in desk. her mum gave her a bottle of water which she sipped on until she calmed down.



// time skip //

After you guys had finished signing in and started heading back to your hotel room Keely's mum looked a bit puzzled.

"So what happened?" She asked.

"We saw Jack and Mark mum!"

"Oooooh how exciting!"

"It was so amazing!" You say.

"Just imagine tomorrow then." Keely's mum gives a cheeky smirk.

When you got back to the hotel room you connected to the hotel Wi-Fi cause there was no way in hell that you were going to waste all of your data this early in the month. You looked on snap chat and noticed someone added you.

"Who the fuck would have added me?" You whispered to yourself with the most confused look ever. you saw that it was Steph.

"OH right." And you added her back. You seemed to have gotten a picture from her already, the first one was a photo of her saying 'hey its me from earlier :)' and the next picture made you almost drop your phone. It was a picture of her in her hotel lobby and it was Dan and Phil!  Keely rushed into your room, you nodded and said;

"You saw Steph's picture huh?"


Sorry if this chapter is really bad, all of my chapters are probably going to be bad as this is my first fanfiction. if you guys have and feed back feel free to let me know!


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