Chapter 1

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"Get up! Kaitlyn!" I heard the sound of my mother screaming my name so I can get ready for school. I got up and quickly put on some clothes. I brushed my hair and waited outside my house for the bus to come.

But before the story begins I want to tell you a bit about myself. So heres a little Q&A.

Full name: Kaitlyn Rose Opal

Date Of Birth: 14th of April 2002

Where I Live: Los Angeles, California

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Green

Weight: 68kg

Height: 5'9

Best Friend: Chloe Louise Radborne

Crush: Cameron Cooper

Hobbies: Reading, Playing with my dog, Fredrick, Dancing.

I got on the bus and everyone was looking at me, like usual. I just kept my head down and took a seat by myself. The bus finally stopped and I got off. I saw Chloe and I gave her a big hug. When the bell rang I walked to class by myself until I felt a pair of hands push me against the lockers. I looked up to see Alissa and her cheer squad laughing at me. "Get a life." She said as she flicked her hair and walked off. I didn't cry because I was used to it. I finally got in to class and I took my seat. I didn't talk throughout the whole 2 lessons before break. I was walking to my locker until Alissa came up to me again. "What do you want now?" I asked her.

"I want you to kill yourself! NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE YOU SLUT!" she yelled in front of the school. "YOU'RE JUST A WASTE OF SPACE!" she slapped me 5 times in a row. I ran to the bathroom crying. Maybe shes right, I should just kill myself. I was walking home that day by myself. And I was reading my book until a pair of hands slammed it shut. I looked up to see Cameron Cooper standing in front of me smiling. "What?" I said grumpily. I was tired of everyone's shit.

"We should hang out." he said happily. I just kept walking but he kept standing in front of me causing me to stop and listen to what he has to say. He grabbed my hand and looked me in the face. "Please, Kaitlyn." he said "Come over."

"Is your friend Alissa gonna be there?" I asked him with a slight smirk on my face.

"Nope, just you and me." he said.

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