Chapter 9

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"If the gates are open, walk in; if the gates are closed, find a way and move in!"
 ~Mehmet Murat Iladan 

The gate to the Domain of the Angel Barachiel is guarded by a Fairy. 

Fairies are dangerous to say the least. They won't actually harm you physically but they are wildly known for their tricks and like to lead people the wrong way just for fun. 

"Hello, travelers!" The Fairy says in her high voice making it sound like she is singing. "My name is Priscilla, the Guard of the Great Gate of the Domain of the Angel Barachiel." 

"Yeah, cool," Blaze replies. "We need to get in." 

"I am not just going to let you in," she replies harshly. "First, I want to know your names starting with the little girl." 

Phoebe looks at me with fear in her blue eyes. "Her name is Phoebe," I reply for my sister. 

"I want the child to tell me, thank you very much!" Priscilla says with anger. "Child, what is your name?" She asks. 

"Phoebe," my sister replies in a quiet voice. 

"What a pretty name for a pretty girl," Priscilla says. "What is your name?" She asks, gesturing to Addy. 

"Adaline," she replies with confidence. 

"Very regal," she says with a shrug. "Boy with the fire red hair?" 

"Blaze," my best friend replies. 

"Suits you well. And what is your name?" 

"Ryder," I reply. 

"That means knight. Are you a girl's knight in shining armor?" She asks. 

I see Addy's face blush and Phoebe giggles a little. Blaze just rolls his eyes. 

"No," I reply. 

"I think that will change soon," she says with a grin. "Now, why would you Warriors like to cross into the Domain of the Angel Barachiel?" 

"We need to get to the Portal that will take us to the Assembly of Angels," I reply for the group. 

"Well, to get through the gate you must answer three riddles correctly," she explains. "The first riddle is; Tom and his sister, Margaret, were fighting. Their mother was tired of the fighting and decided to punish them. She made them stand on the same piece of newspaper but without them touching. How did she do this?" 

"That is way to easy," Addy says with a roll of her eyes. "The mother slid the paper under a door and Tom stood on one side while Margaret stood on the other side." 

"Very good, Warrior," Priscilla says. "The next riddle; what type of house weighs the least?" 

"A lighthouse," I reply right away. When you live by the ocean, you know the answers to these kinds of riddles. 

"Sharp-minded," she says. "Now it is the third riddle; what is it that no man yet did see, which never was, but always is to be?" 

"His funeral?" Blaze answers. 

"Incorrect!" Priscilla squeals with delight. "Someone must pay the price for that," she adds maliciously. 

Priscilla grabs Phoebe by the arm and yanks her into the air. She drives her nails into Phoebe's skin, causing blood to drip down her arm in streams as my sister screams out in pain. 

"Let go of my sister!" I demand with anger. 

"Not until the riddle is answered," she chirps. 

"She is just a child!" Addy exclaims. 

"Does it look like I care, Warrior?" The Fairy asks with a glare. "You have ten seconds to answer the riddle or else." 

"Ryder," Phoebe cries. 

"Is it his death?" I ask, hoping that it isn't incorrect. 

"Incorrect again!" Priscilla says with excitement in her voice. 

Priscilla takes Phoebe's other arm, still driving her nails into her other arm, and squeezes it so hard you hear her bones crack. Phoebe screams out in even more pain, tears cascading down her face in tidal waves. 

I draw out my sword and aim it at the Fairy's throat. "I said, let go of my sister!" I threaten. 

"Not until the riddle is answered! And the child's punishment only gets worse from here," she chirps with glee. 

"It's tomorrow!" Addy says, answering the riddle. 

"Such a disappointment for me that you are correct," Priscilla says, dropping Phoebe to the ground. 

I drop my sword and rush to my sister's side and cradle her in my arms. I pick her up carefully, not wanting to hurt her even more. 

I carry her through the gate, a couple steps behind the other two. She falls in and out of consciousness from the pain. 

Addy steps in front of me. "Keep her still," she commands. "I should be able to heal her or at least stop the pain." 

She takes the broken arm in her hands and then takes her wand to draw a quick healing rune on it. "That should stop the pain and make the healing move quicker," she says before moving on to the other arm. 

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