three; thunder buddies?

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their morning flight was held back to later than night when heavy thunderstorm and rain hit the airport forcing them to be closed for few hours. the track were filled with snapped branches and no jumbo jets could've made the landing in the pouring rain with the increased breaking distance. at least that's what alila said, and he believed her.

she's smart as fuck, and no one couldn't believe he managed to bag a smartypants.

it's idealistic for someone like him to fuck with some instagram models, or someone at least as famous as him. someone who travels as often as he is, shooting bikinis picture for some magazine in bahamas and then hawaii the next day, or at least reality tv star who gets eliminated 3 episodes in. someone who has collection of bags more than their own salary.

not with someone who's instagram is private and aesthetically filled with food porn, pictures of dogs (she called doggo), chain smoking with her fellow engineers when it's rain day at the airport and occasionally a picture of him; or his back bared with annoying caption like booty call or loml. she never named him or tagged him. someone who's willing to come to his match not even in his shirt, but his opponents just to get him all annoyed; with beers more than she should drink but she enjoyed his win.

and she's learning football, maybe a little too many in the technical form in which one time she could've explain the most physics explanation on how to take a perfect free kick, sending his teammates in confusion. he laughed at them although he himself didn't understand a shit. so he kept her napkin scribbled with stick men and goals and dotted lines in his wallet.

she's special, and he's working hard not to lose her. but that's the flaw of dating alila haikkinen; she's always on the run. the moment he felt her at the tip of his fingers, she slipped away again, further and further away.

the other flaw was that leon found that rain makes alila more tired.

"i can't help it," her voice came out muffled against the pillow on the couch of her apartment, "rain makes me feel tired."

"rain makes me nervous," he said and he swore to god the loud thunder followed by the lightning made the building shook. " technically, it's impossible for the lightning to strike the building down," she muffled, pulling the strains of her loose hair back. he closed the curtains and turned to her with his eyebrows up.

" okay, miss smartypants."

" it's true. it's basic," she grinned and sat up, half of her hair stuck to the right side of her face, " it will tend to follow the available paths to ground so when lightning hits skyscrapers, or like in our case apartment the current is diverted safely to ground. the building and its occupants are unaffected," she explained, and he stared at her.

his eyes were not blinking for a second and he sighed, " i love it when you talk sexual to me."

he strode over to her, but before he could grab her, she made an escape with giggles and shrieks louder than thunder.

but this is the game she never won; he will always catch her.

this time against the wall of the hallway. his breath and hers mingled together as he held her wrists tightly above her head with one hand. her eyes stared at him frantically, he imagined her brain trying to compute his next moves so she could be prepared. she likes to be prepared; engineer things, she said.

" do you always look this pretty? in thunderstorm," he asked, almost a whisper.

"where did this freckles come from?" he asked again, his free hand roamed against the bridge of her nose.

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