Chapter 1~

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Caleb Marshal was quite a popular young lad who loved rugby and going to the skate park with his mates at the weekend and after school. Caleb had good grades in most subjects but he was particularly impressive in maths, his grades were above UK standards.

Caleb had a bestfriend called Kimberly. They had been friends since they were in nappies and have never separated for longer than 13 hours. Everywhere Caleb went, Kimberly was never far behind and wherever Kimberly went, Caleb would be sure to follow. All of Caleb's friends always teased him about being friends with Kimberly and always said that they were FWB (Friends With Benefits) or together. This really got under Caleb's skin. So he avoided his mates whenever he was with Kimberly.

Caleb's family was a posh Christian family who had many rules. These rules were disobeyed by Caleb's dad when he and Caleb's mum had Caleb before they married. Caleb's dads family lost touch with him after that. Caleb's parents went on a night out to a night club one night and never came back. They were ran over by a speeding truck. The poor boy was only 6 years old when they died. He then suddenly got in touch with his father's side of the family and his Uncle George took him in. He was raised as a good Christian after that but he didn't stick to it as when he grew up he started to not believe that God never existed and questioned why his parents died and God didn't help them. This caused controversy in the family as he slowly started to become a teenager.

~Author's Note~
This Chapter was just some background information on Caleb and I hope it wasn't too boring.

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