The Train Station

370 18 6

Phil's POV

I've been waiting hours, days, months for this moment. In just a few minutes I'm going to meet Dan Howell, the boy with chocolate brown eyes that I had fallen in love with through skype calls over the last few months, he didn't know this obviously. He was completely oblivious to my feelings, and it was better that way, we never talked about our relationship and even though he hadn't said it I could only assume he only saw me as a friend, and that was honestly better than nothing for me.

I am waiting at the station. Today I woke up extra early, got ready in something quite decent and I was excited I even forgot to water my house plants, which actually happens quite a lot.

They just won't stay alive.

I hear the train, and a voice announces the arrival of Dan's train. My hands are sweaty and wipe them on my black skinny jeans, I was so nervous, I could feel my heart pounding against my rib cage. This was not a good time to heart attack.

I walk forward as close as I can, I quietly thank god for making so freakishly tall because it makes it ten times easier for me to spot the brown fringe, also poking out of the crowd due to the boy's height. He was just a few inches shorter than me anyways.

I see him, he sees me and smiles and oh god is he is even more beautiful in person, I cannot believe I was actually meeting him after so many skype calls and late-night conversations.

This person had become a bigger part of my life than I had ever thought, and it was only the first time we were meeting in person.

We walk towards each other and we wrap our arms around each other in welcoming hug, it seemed both of us were waiting for it, for a long time.

"Phil! " he says happily as we let go "I can't believe you're actually real, it's weird not seeing you through my crappy screen" I laughed and we start walking out towards the exit of the station.

"I can't believe it either" I look at him and his eyes were glistening, and he was smiling his adorable dimple appearing on the side of his face. We walk quietly for a few seconds, not knowing what to say, but it was a comfortable silence, we didn't have to say anything, I was just happy with his company, and I hoped he was with mine.

He broke the silence "so what is there to do here, we have to start" I laughed at his excitement, he already had me wrapped around his finger and he didn't even know it yet.

"we could go to Starbucks or get something to eat, whatever you want" I said happily, almost reaching out to take his hand out of reflex, I wanted to hold him but I knew he didn't feel the same way I did. I was bi and he was possibly straight though I wasn't sure, I still didn't want to risk our friendship. There was no way anything could happen between us. No way.

A/N: So this is my first phanfiction, I know its trash but I got inspired last night for some reason to write it. I hope you like it anyways, I'll try to update soon :)

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