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Waning: fluff and one curse word lol

Phil's POV

We walked slowly, the breeze was cool against my lungs and I knew I should have worn a better jumper over my plaid shirt. I looked next to me at Dan and I saw him shivering. With a spike of courage, I walked a little closer to him and then I wrapped my arm around him resting my hand on his shoulder, friends hug each other like that right?

Right away I felt him stiffen and then relax, and I couldn't help but notice how perfectly he fitted under my arm, it just felt right.

"Its really cold today, I'm freezing" I said with a laugh and covered my mouth with my hand to hide the habit of sticking my tongue out. I wanted to make it seem like I hadn't just hugged him because I really wanted to, even though that was the actual reason why.

He smiled at me and smirked "yeah its fucking cold today" he laughed "I should have worn something warmer instead of this crappy shirt, its October anyways, it's supposed to be kind of cold"

We walked a little more until we reached the Starbucks, part of me didn't even want to get there because that meant I would have to let go of him. But we went inside and I quickly let go of him so that he wouldn't know how much I was enjoying holding him.

We sat down at a booth, sitting next to each other, shoulders barely brushing, I kept trying really hard not to make it awkward but it felt pleasantly strange that after so many nights of just looking at him through a computer screen we could finally touch even if it was just our shoulders brushing.

"What are you going to get?" He asked looking up at me

"Caramel macchiato" we both said at the same time and then laughed

I asked, "how did you know, do you already know me that well?"

He smiled "I'm good at remembering things people I care about tell me" I blushed slightly, did that mean he cared about me, I looked at him and I could see a small tint of red on his cheeks, or did i imagine that? I'm not sure

"Well I remember that that's your favorite drink too" I said awkwardly since I really didn't know what to answer.

After the drinks came everything went by smoothly, no awkward silences, we barely even had time to breath from everything we were talking about. We already knew a lot about each other from all the skype calls, but it felt different talking about them face to face.

I've got other friends but I've never felt as close with anyone as I do with Dan. I wanted to hold his hand, and hug him and I almost jumped up and kissed him every time he smiled and that dimple was visible.

"Want to go to my house and play video games before filming anything, you're always bragging about how much better you are than me and I can't believe that because I'm the best" I said, when we were getting up to get out of Starbucks

"You wish Phil, I'm going to win in every game we play and there's nothing you can do about it" he laughed

As we walked our hands brushed slightly and I felt a jolt of electricity travel through my arm

It was still cold out, maybe even colder than before, I felt and arm circling my waist, and I looked down at Dan

He looked up at me, smiled and said " you said it yourself, it's cold today"

A/N: Im actually really proud of this chapter, I think its cute and it has a lot of fluff fluff fluff, hope you like it, I'll try to update soon :)

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