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*You have unlocked a special moment with JungJung*

A/N : You can't even imagine how much I love this picture up there😍I had to put it! ☝️👌
JJ: Yayyy you chose me!😁
Y/N: Of course! I wanted to hear a nice story before sleeping 😄
JJ: Let me tuck you in😁💖
You got on your bed and JungJung placed a blanket over you and adjusted the pillow.
JJ: Are you comfortable? 😊
Y/N: Yes, thank you❣️☺️
JJ: I hope you'll have sweet dreams after this story. 😊 * Gives you a good old smoochie smoochie (aka kiss😂) on your forehead*
Y/N: *in a cute voice* I'm not a baby anymooore~😝😆
JJ: But you look so cute!😆 Now, listen to this story till the end, don't fall asleep too quickly. I'm sure you will love this story 😄!
Y/N: Okay!😄
JJ: I'm going to read you a Korean folktale.😊
*Ehum* (clear throat)
"The Farting Daughter-in-law"
Y/N: Wait what?😂😅
JJ: That's that title! 😄
Y/N: Did you make that up?😅😂
JJ: No~😆 This folktales was recorded in the Korean studies series no.5 volume of Korean folktales. 😊
Y/N: Fine, I believe you😝
JJ: So here we go, " Once upon a time, a long time ago. There was a young girl who had a really fat butt-"
Y/N: Lucky her😂
JJ:Listen~~😆 So where was I? Oh yeah:
" - and was known in her village for farting so loud and powerfully that she could kill a bird in a tree with her fart. Although she was quite pretty, no one in her village wanted to have anything to do with her. Til one day, a matchmaker from far away came for the girl. The girl's family was delighted and they sent her off with her bridal dowry. Unfortunately, her mother-in-law didn't want her in her family. She heard about the rumors about her daughter-in-law farting and thought that she will bring shame to her family."
"I have to get rid of her" the mother thought.
Y/N: She's an evil witch!😧
JJ: I know right!😤
"Few weeks later, the father-in-law invited the whole village to his mansion to celebrate the wedding of the couple."
"Now is the perfect moment to show everyone her true nature! A disgusting fartress!" The mother-in-law thought.
Y/N: Why does that remind me of myself?😂
JJ: You're not a disgusting fartress, you're a beautiful one❣️😄
Y/N: Ehh.. Thanks? I guess😂
JJ: Let's continue 😄: " During the event, the mother-in-law saw that her daughter -in-law looked very pale. So she pushed her aside and asked:
-My dear, are you okay?😧
-Yes, everything is fine, don't worry.😊 (the daughter answered.)
- Don't be shy, you know I'm there for you, tell me everything☺️
- Fine, I know I can trust you😓.I'm very embarrassed to say this but I have been holding in my farts since the beginning I got here, it hurts a lot😖. (The daughter replied)
-My dear! You had me so worried! 😄This is nothing, just a little gas. Please go ahead and let it all out. None of us will think badly of you. In fact, I have farted many times without you even knowing about it.😁
Y/N: This is what we call "The ninja fart" The mother has some skills, I'm impressed😌.
JJ: You shouldn't be😂
(Back to the story)
-Are you sure you won't think badly of me?😰 (the daughter asked)
- I told you! Go ahead and fart! 😁😤 The mother insisted.
Y/N: Nooo~ don't! It's a trap😣
"Without another word, the daughter-in-law released the fart that she had been holding for so many weeks. But because of the incredible amount of gas buildup, the fart came out as a huge explosion, one that blasted through all the walls of the house, sending it flying apart like a house of cards. The guests began to scream and ran out of the house."
Y/N: There's something I don't understand. The mother doesn't want her son to marry the girl because she would bring shame, but since she farted in front of the guests, wouldn't that bring even more shame to their family?🤔
JJ: Maybe you're riiiight🤔🤔
(back to the story)
"The parents-in-law chased the poor girl out of their house. Her husband who was actually in love with her ran out after her. And the parents now worried about their son running out after her, ran after the son." (JJ: EVERYONE RAN!)
"When they were all regrouped together, a group of thugs came out and threatened them for a huge amount of money. The family was frightened, but due to the daughter power, with one single fart, the super fartress blasted those thugs away. Since then, the parents finally accepted the girl in their family and loved her for who she was."
Y/N: Even the mother?😮😄
JJ: Even the mother 😌
(Back to the story)
"Everyone in the village loved the super fartress too! She became a hero and gave birth to two wonderful children who each had their own super hero names : BurpMan and SmellyArmPitGirl " (A/N Yeah I totally made that up😂)
Y/N: Woahh that was a nice story! Thank you JungJ-
*You turn your head*

JJ: ZzzZzz 😴Y/N: How can someone sleep so fast?😧You got off your bed and went to JungJung

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JJ: ZzzZzz 😴
Y/N: How can someone sleep so fast?😧
You got off your bed and went to JungJung. You put his blanket over him and stared at his sweet face for a few seconds. (Stalker/creep mode activated?😂)
JJ: Aren't you going to kiss me on my forehead?😋
Y/N: Oh I knew you were awake!😝
JJ: I'm still waiting😋
Y/N: If you read me another story, you might have one. 😋
JJ: Aw next time then 😔😁
*You got back under your sheets*
JJ: So tell me, what was the moral of the story? 😄
Y/N: Umm.. you shouldn't trust your mother-in-law?😂
JJ: Don't worry, you can trust my mother *wink* *wink*😉😉
Y/N: Ouhh boiii are you trying to tell me something ? *wink* *wink*😉😉😆
JJ: Maybe😉😆 But the REAL moral of the story is that everything is special in it's own way.☺️
Y/N: Ohh I like that! Now I think I can have a good sleep, goodnight😄❤️
JJ: Goodnight!❤️😊
I hope you liked this guys! Sorry for being a little bit inactive😅I went out a lot ..and also..I'm SO EFFIIIING LAZY😭. Your character (Y/N) might seem a little bit different(?) since in this special episode she has actually the same personality as Anika (your friend in the story aka me the author aka the most fabulous and perfect woman in the whole universe ☺️ I'm sorry for being too humble) but seriously, I would of said the same exact things if I were in her shoes (Y/N) in this episode. I DONT KNOW IF IT MAKES SINCE TO YOU BUT IT DOES TO ME AND THATS WHAT MATTERS.. Wait no..🤔😪

But for real, the folktale that JungJung read in this special episode DOES ACTUALLY EXIST . I WAS SO SHOCKED WHEN I FIRST READ IT 😂 I had to post it in my story. I did changed some parts and added my own stuffed in it. I actually don't really know the full exact story. But thanks to those websites (at the far end of this chapter) , I had the chance to share this folktale on here.😄 I actually had a hard time finding a good story that fitted my taste and wasn't too long (thats why it took me some time to post) but when I came across this story I knew I had to pick it. I mean come ooonnn a story about someone who farts, who doesn't love that😂. A lot of people are adding this story in their reading list. I really appreciate that😄 Don't worry (if you were😂) when I'll upload the special scene with Eui Woong and upload chapter 3 of this imagine, I'll go right back to Guanlin's imagine. 😄 Don't forget to vote and comment on both stories! Thank you!!

The links of the folktale 😂😁



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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