Hypocrisy (continued)

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Prequel short story part 8 : Gregorio and Esmeralda

"What is it for?"

"It's a charity event held by the company I danced with last year," I told Dathan as he stood at my bedroom window with a hard expression, as if whatever he was staring out at was what displeased him. But I knew what brought him displeasure was my request to attend a banquet I was invited to. I wanted to help raise money for the company and maybe see some of my fellow dancers. Including. . .

No! I pushed the thought from my head, something I was getting used to doing around the King. It was no longer necessary since his daughters by another woman stole his gift of mind reading, but he knew me well enough to read my body language and expression. I became focused on a soft gurgling sound that rose from an ebony crib which soon turned into a light cry of distress. Poor little Thexus had woken from his nap. I padded over the circular rug in the center of my room toward him.

"Let me get him," Dathan insisted, to my surprise. I slowed and watched him reach his arms down to gently scoop our child out of his crib. With soft hands I didn't recognize anymore, he cradled the infant's head. Thexus hummed in happiness at his father's touch. Suddenly hyper after his nap, he flailed his little fists around until Dathan offered him a finger to occupy his interest.

"How much time would it waste?" He asked in a harsh tone that contrasted his affection toward the baby. "One rehearsal diner and one night of attendance. I could bring Thexus so you wouldn't have to worry about getting anyone to watch him."

"I could watch him," he said, his sharp eyes finding my shocked frown. I parted my lips but the only sound in the room was Thexus' happy noises while he played with and sucked on his father's finger.

"I would appreciate that. But I'll bring him to the rehearsal at least so my peers could meet him, their new prince." My body stiffened in anticipation of his reply. I hoped that his kindness toward our son would somehow appeal to his permitting me to venture out and have a night to myself.

He nodded and I could breath again. "Two nights and two nights only. And I'll watch the baby for one of them." He smiled faintly when Thexus gnawed on the tip of his finger, nearly compelling me to smile as well. This moment was short lived.

His expression returned to a blank and hateful stare as he looked at me. He placed Thexus in my arms but mid transfer stopped with his eyes on mine. "Stay away from the Italian," he commanded, "don't think I won't see through you. You're cunning, Esmerelda, but you don't hide your emotions well. If you dare indulge him, I'll know."

He let Thexus free into my arms and I held my child close as he left me.

"Remember that you belong to me," he said upon departure.

A sickening feeling was left in my stomach.

* * * * * * * *

"He's so sweet," my former director cooed along with the group of women that surrounded us. I smiled down at little bit Thexus as he recoiled from the overwhelming amount of attention, looking around with curious eyes as he clung to me. "He's getting shy," I said, turning his little body around so his head rested over my shoulder. Even so, he tried lifting his head to turn and look back at the women, inevitably drooping back down on account of his still-weak neck. He's a ladies man, I could tell. And a mama's boy through and through.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐞~short stories~Where stories live. Discover now