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A I M + P U R P O S E

Meeting and talking to other authors can be interesting indeed. Many of you find it frustrating to find ways to promote your book and to achieve as many reads as you would like. As an author myself, it can be very difficult indeed - but hopefully for not much longer.

HA Awards, a monthly awards program, is now in place. There will be prizes and awards, but mostly, this is a place to just generate interest about your works and books, and to hopefully help you to generate more reads, etc.

Mainly: Easy to enter, prizes and awards and it's perfect for anyone who just started Wattpad and are looking to get more reads!

O P E N  T O

These monthly awards are open to all followers* and eligible undiscovered writers* - every genre is accepted.

**Undiscovered Writers: Undiscovered is defined as anyone with less than 15 000 reads on their story. This may potentially and if you feel this is too small, feel free to inline comment.

**Followers: Followers of this account (to stay regular with updates and be eligible for future contests ;))


NOTE: Votes are not considered as prizes as that may be a form of vote trading; however if your story is good, you will likely be receiving votes anyway ;)

3-4 Winners every two months (and honorable mentions)

1st Place:

- Gold sticker

- Comments and reviews on 5 chapters of your book

- Bragging rights

- Two specialized banners created for your book

- Shout out on social media accounts

- Added to HAawards 1st Place Winners Reading List

2nd Place:

- Silver sticker

- Bragging rights

- Shout out on social media accounts

- Reviews and comments for the first 3 chapters of your book

- One banner for your book

- Added to HAawards 2nd Place Winners Reading List

3rd Place:

- Bronze sticker

- Bragging rights

- Shout out on social media accounts

- Review and comments for your first chapter

-Added to HAawards 3rd Place Winners Reading List

Honourable Mentions:

- Shout out on social media accounts

- Added to HAawards Honourable Mentions Reading List

- Sticker


**TO CLARIFY: In order to fully submit your entry, go to the current month's chapter. You will then receive a comment back saying accepted. If there is a glitch and you aren't accepted, PM either of the admin accounts.

Rules and admission forms will be listed in the next chapter. Head on over right now.

The Monthly Awards- August 2017 (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now