Chapter Eight

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"Hello Dean." Cas said. He looked like crap and Dean could tell his fever had to be sky high. His cheeks and lips were red which was a sign of a really high fever. His nose was running and his eyes were puffy and red. Dean was just about to say something when Cas sneezed all over him. Dean pressed his lips together and ran a hand down his face, wiping the spit and snot off.

"I love you too Cas." He said with a bit of an edge to his tone.

"Sorry Dean." Cas replied with an apologetic look.

"What are you doing here? I told you to stay at home. You're sick man. You need to rest. How did you even get here?" His voice was rough and Cas could tell he was a little angry.

"I waited till Sam was in the shower and I went and looked at his texts from you. Then I...highjacked all the way here."

Dean squinted his eyes at him in confusion. "You mean you hitchhiked?"

"Yes." Cas said seriously.

"Do you even know how to hitchhike?"

"Well. It became easier once I realized I was using the wrong finger." Cas held up his hand and showed him the middle finger and switched to his thump. Dean tried to open his mouth to say something about how cute he was but he stopped himself. He had to be angry with Cas for almost getting himself killed escaping the safety of the bunker.

Deans voice became angry with concern. "Cas do you realize how dangerous it is to hitchhike. People kill people like that. You're human now. You're not an angel anymore so it would have been very easy to kill you. And especially when I'm sure angels are on your ass too. You could have died Cas!"

"I needed to be here with you Dean. I couldn't let you do this on your own. Especially when Hannah said you're fate rest in my hand. You could die. And I won't let that happen."

Dean's eyes softened a bit and he opened the door wider. "Come here."

Cas fell into Dean's tight embrace and hugged him back. Dean let go and let him in, shutting the door behind him. "I have to admit. I did miss you. So I'm kind of glad you're here." He touched his cheek but then quickly withdrew his hand realizing there was snot all over his nose and cheek. He gave a disgusted face and wiped his hands on his sweats. "Well I'm definitely gonna get sick now." He said as he turned around and pulled some Kleenex out of the box on the night stand and handed it to Cas. "Wipe your nose. It's everywhere."

"I'm sorry Dean." He said and wiped his nose with the tissue. Dean sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. He looked over at Jenny who was still sound asleep.

"Look Cas, you can be here. Alright. But you're not going with me on this hunt. You're warm and sneezing everywhere. You don't need to protect me yet. Didn't Hannah say I would be eaten by zombies? There are no zombies yet. Okay? We're not even hunting anything close to that. And without your mojo you can't do much anyways to protect me."

Cas went to say something but stopped himself. He knew down deep Dean was right.

Just then Deans phone lit up on the nightstand next to him and began to vibrate. He picked it up and saw Sam's name on the screen. He rolled his eyes and answered it, pressing the phone to his ear.

"Sammy. What's up?"

"I can't find Cas."

Dean heard panic in his voice and he looked up at Cas standing over him. "Yeah well...that cause he's right here. You were supposed to be watching him."

"I'm sorry Dean. I'm not a baby sitter you know. I have to sleep sometime."

"Yeah well. I got him from here." He hung up and looked up at Cas again. "You had Sam worried."

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