Jounalists (Loki)

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Imagine: Loki Laufeyson x ReaderSynopsis: You, a relentless and sly board member and businesswoman of a very world-renowned company, was set up for an interview with Loki

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Imagine: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Synopsis: You, a relentless and sly board member and businesswoman of a very world-renowned company, was set up for an interview with Loki. He decided to dub himself as Will Key for the Chicago Tribune working as a philanthropy and humans' rights activist reporter all because for a portion of his imprisonment, Loki was exiled to Midgard. This portion of his imprisonment consisted of him to live as a normal, everyday Midgardian for several years, without the interference or the guidance of the Avengers, and other individuals associating with them. This is written in Loki's point of views. And, this is long as hell.  Oh well, 'tis Loki.
Trigger Warning:  Smoking, cigarettes, arrogance...
Word Count: 2267


2:43 p.m, the contraption says.  As a mere immortal-transformed-mortal, the stupid iPhone will never seize to faze me. 

The year is 2017, the Midgardian month of August, on the 28th day, Monday.  That wasn't exactly written on the iPhone, however, I choose however I chose to read or format it. 

Ever since Odin exiled me here, I've adapted to the way of the Midgardian, gaining a job in this cubicle or "office," catching the morning train, coming home around 5:00 or perhaps 6:00 at often times, to my cat that I have what Midgardians called as "adopting" from the local "Animal Humane Society," ordering take out or often times cook, read, listen to what I found appealing on an online store of sort called "iTunes," taking a not-so-glorious bath underneath the shower head, sleeping without any piece of apparel on, and for the rest of the night, bearing the noises that vibrate through the thin walls of my flat.  The process couldn't get any more complicated in the mornings, especially during what they dubbed as the end of the week, the "weekend," it's a lot more interesting. 

Hello, my name is William Key.  So far, Midgardians referred to me as "Will" for short, but really, my name is Loki Laufeyson of Jotunheim.  But as of right now, I am Will Key of Odin-knows-where and apparently, I am a single, male, 29-year-old Midgardian, living in the city of Chicago, Illinois, which is in the US of A.  The life of a god could not get any more frustrating.   I take a run as early as 6:00 in the morning, feed Johnny, the adopted cat, eat my breakfast, dress up and clean up, pick up some tea (which was highly preferred than coffee, I must say), and off to the subway, bringing me to a 435 North Michigan Avenue. I get a trim of my hair every few weeks or so, my hair resumed to even containing more of so-called "hair gel" and the length prior to when Thor broke the rainbow bridge.  And New York City.  And... We shall not get further past that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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