Hello There...

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Jack fumbled with the door handle at the mention of Mark's name. He had to help his friend. The creak of the door was the silence before the storm. As Jack looked, his eyes were met with a pair of familiar, and yet unfamiliar, eyes. 


Jack gasped in fear and walked backwards, stumbling and swaying until his back hit the wall. There was nowhere left to run. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see the evil grin haunting Mark's beautiful face. Something slammed into the wall next to Jack's right ear, then left. He peeked his eyes open, only to see Dark hovering in front of him, both arms blocking Jack's escape.

"Hello Kitten~" He said with a sickening smile. His voice echoed, deafening the entire room. Jack closed his eyes once more and desperately tried to search for his happy place.

It wasn't there.

Then, an idea popped into his head. Kick him where the good ol' lord split him.

Short story? It failed.

Long story? Jack kicked Dark and Dark choked Jack. He wouldn't be trying that again.

Dark slightly winced in pain but continued to hold for himself a certain evil grace. "Hello there..." His voice was softer than before, yet it still bounced around the room and echoed, giving him an otherworldly appearance. He retained his hand on Jack's throat, but gave him enough room to breathe. Jack squirmed under him, scared of what he was going to do next. Dark smiled, but unlike a normal grin, this one held malice and deceit. That's when Jack noticed the pearly white fangs, pointing out of his mouth and curving slightly inward. Jack felt violated by Dark's gaze alone. Dark then said,"For your insolence, Dear, you are now my... slave..." He drew out the word slave. 

"I WILL NOT BE YOUR SLAVE!" Jack yelled out of defiance. At this point in the story, it was clear that Jack was bad at making on the dot decisions. He promptly received a slap, and then was completely knocked out. Good job, Jackaboy. Amirite? 

Jack awoke to an unfamiliar bedroom. That wasn't even the most shocking. You don't want to know what he saw... or do you?

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