Chapter 18: Two on Two

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Conner and M'gann leaped in opposite directions as a shot from Mr. Freeze turned the ground they had been standing on to ice.

Superboy managed a surprisingly graceful roll and ran through some bushes. M'gann used her long legs to jump high into the trees above and disappear.

Sportsmaster took the scene in. The two freaks of nature may have appeared to have split up, but they wouldn't stray too far from each other. And that would be their mistake.

"Take the Martian" he ordered Freeze, jumping off his branch and landing on the forest floor. "The clone is mine."

This was not going how Superboy was hoping it would. As far as he knew, he and M'gann were the last ones standing, with the possible exception of Rocket, who was untrained and powerless. M'gann had lost most of her powers and his strength was probably not much more than that of a normal human, if that much. They were facing two experienced supervillains, one of whom was a skilled mercenary, the other wielding a weapon that could immobilize them in a single hit.

So, all in all, a poor ending to a pretty bad day. Or a bad beginning to a probably worse day, depending on if it was after midnight or not.

M'gann swung through the trees, thinking mostly the same thing as she dodged another shot from Mr. Freeze. She had to admit, though she still felt ashamed of her White Martian form, without telekinesis, it was physically superior in combat to her "Megan" form, with long limbs perfect for rapid, agile movement.

She then of course, promptly tripped and fell, probably because she was out of practice in this form. Not that she had much experience in physical combat anyways, since telekinesis rendered it pointless.

M'gann shook those thoughts away as she rolled out of the way of another freeze blast. Nothing good would come of distracting herself now. Killer Frost had frozen her once in Belle Reve and she was not looking to repeat the experience.

Conner had told her how he'd beaten Freeze in the prison break by breaking his suit, since he needed it to keep him at low temperatures to survive. Unfortunately, she did not look forward to charging an armed man to engage him in melee combat. How did Robin do it?

She gave a little smile, or as much of one as she could in her current form. She'd asked the right question.


What Would Robin Do?

M'gann dodged yet another blast (seriously, did this guy ever have to reload?) using a handstand flip like what Robin had shown her in their week as the Daring Dangers. Trying to confuse Freeze, she dashed on all fours to the left, only to dart to the right, trying to circle her foe.

Flying through some bushes, she rolled and took refuge behind a tree, hoping the darkness would conceal her. Mr. Freeze looked around.

"If you really wish to play hide and seek with me, Martian..." he said in his emotionless voice as he activated his suit's thermal scanners. "You needed only to ask."

Superboy ducked as Sportsmaster's flail came out of nowhere, putting a good sized dent in a tree. He'd taken one good hit from that earlier when he was at full strength and he sure didn't want to take another now.

As much as his pride hated it, Conner was outmatched. Sportsmaster had years of experience versus his six months and the mercenary fought for keeps. Without his powers, there wasn't all that much Black Canary's lessons would let him do.

"What's the matter, kid?" teased Sportsmaster, hiding in the shadows. "Aren't you invulnerable? Like your old man? Or is that kryptonite taking all your power away? Not much of a weapon, are you?"

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