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// saltyfries, yamagucchi, nishitwatup, miruku, pan, dadchi, sugamama, ryutheday, ennoshita and mynameskinooo joined the chat \\

ryutheday: this chat is dead

ryutheday: just like me

mynameskinooo: what's up

ryutheday: ennoshita broke up with me

mynameskinooo: I'm so sorry

mynameskinooo: I know how much he meant to you

sugamama: You two broke up? Did it just not work out or did you get in an argument?

ryutheday: it didnt work out

sugamama: If you ever need to talk to someone then remember I'm here for you.

ryutheday: thanks mom

ryutheday: but

ryuthday: both of you . . .

ryutheday: got pranked 😎😎

ennoshita: we actually broke up, Tanaka.

ryutheday: oh

ryutheday: ok

ennoshita: Pranked 😎😎😏😏

ryutheday: I hate you

ennoshita: 😍😍😘😘😗😗

saltyfries: ew -_-

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