Unusual Encounter

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6 months ago...


At 8pm on a Saturday night, I was just surfing the web like any other night that I am home. Which was not a lot. 

I got a call just after eight from Kiara. There was a party, The call I had been waiting for. We didn't know anyone at this party. Well, we didn't know anyone at most of the parties we went to. Kiara and I would mostly go out and follow the music to someone's house and crashed it. This time, Rian was at this party and invited us to come. It's so much more fun when you don't know whose party it is. 

Entering the party it seemed like it was going off. As we entered it was so packed you could barely walk through the entrance. Everyone was dancing to Kayne West - Famous. Jumping up and down. Two girls making out, a guy and a girl making out, guys egging on another guy to drink the beer out of his shoe.  On the way over I bought a tequila bottle with my fake ID and drank half of it myself. When I was entering the party it hit me. That hit you get as soon as you skull alcohol and wait for it to digest so you can feel the buzz, my buzz took 10 minutes to come into effect. I felt great. 

"Skye, I'm going to find Rian!" Kiara yelled over the music

"I'll stay here, I want to dance" I yelled back to her. I really did want to dance. I loved dancing even by myself. That's the great thing about alcohol it's like a sedative for all your emotions. I barely can feel a thing. 

As Kiara disappeared into the crowd I was dancing on my own, enjoying my surroundings. As I looked around I noticed a guy with surfy blonde hair and bright blue eyes staring at me with a beer in his hand. I quickly looked away. I knew that if you gave a guy any kind of attention, even when you just accidentally look their way... they think that you are interested. I saw him coming over to me. Great I thought. Not another idiot. 

"Hey sexy, you look like you want to have fun" he slurred. Obviously, this pig has been bathing in beer all day.

"Keep walking" I replied with annoyance and looked away.

He kept standing there just looking at me, I don't know if it was him ruining my moment or my body just wanted to drink more so this intoxicated feeling never left. 

"Alright, I'll walk" I said to the stinkfest. As I started walking I realized that he didn't follow me which I was pretty happy with. Someone should have stopped me then and there I was so drunk that I could barely stand. I think it was really hitting me now, but I wanted more. 

So I went on my stupid damn quest to find more beer or anything with liquid.

Let's follow the yellow drink road...

As I walked to the other side of the dancefloor there was no alcohol over here. That damn yellow drink road led me in the wrong direction. I looked around at my surroundings and saw a hallway and thought that there had to be some kind of beer down there. 

So I stumbled my way down the long ass hallway. 

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